Man pages for MissionBio/tapestriR
Analysis of Data Generated by the Tapestri Platform

add_analysis_layerAdd additional layers of analysis to Tapestri_Assay Object.
add_assayAdd Assay Object to Multiomics object (moo)
add_data_layerAdd additional layers of data to Tapestri_Assay Object
clr_by_cellCLR normalization by cell
clr_by_featureCLR normalization by feature
compute_ploidyIdentify ploidy for samples
create_assayCreate Tapestri_Assay Object
create_mooCreate Multiomics Object
define_subclonesdefine subclones based on NGT values
filter_variantsFilter raw genotypes based on quality
log_colMeansLog normalization factor per feature
log_norm_by_cellLog normalization by cell
log_norm_by_featureLog normalization by feature
normalize_dna_readsNormalize barcode data
read_assay_h5Read Tapestri multi-omics h5 file
read_insights_exportRead variant assay from data exported from Tapestri Insights
read_loomRead loom file created by Tapestri pipeline
read_tapread a tap file generated by Tapestri pipeline
recode_genotypesRecode NGT values HET, HOM, WT or MUT/WT if zygosity is...
subset_assaySubset assay
Tapestri_Assay-classTapestri_Assay class
Tapestri_Multiomics-classThe Tapestri_Multiomics Class
tapestri_ploidy_plotCalculate ploidy
TapestriRCNV analysis of Tapestri data
tapestri_scatterplotScatter plot wrapper for ggplots that makes plotting Tapestri...
tapestri_violinplotviolin plot wrapper for ggplots that makes plotting Tapestri...
umap_themeSimple theme to show axis-less projection of umaps
validate_variant_annotationsAnnotate Variants based on variant ID field
MissionBio/tapestriR documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 8:29 p.m.