
Defines functions variable_effect_accumulated_dependency variable_effect_partial_dependency variable_effect

Documented in variable_effect variable_effect_accumulated_dependency variable_effect_partial_dependency

#' Dataset Level Variable Effect as Partial Dependency Profile or Accumulated Local Effects
#' From DALEX version 1.0 this function calls the \code{\link[ingredients]{accumulated_dependence}} or
#' \code{\link[ingredients]{partial_dependence}} from the \code{ingredients} package.
#' Find information how to use this function here: \url{https://ema.drwhy.ai/partialDependenceProfiles.html}.
#' @param explainer a model to be explained, preprocessed by the 'explain' function
#' @param variables character - names of variables to be explained
#' @param type character - type of the response to be calculated.
#' Currently following options are implemented: 'partial_dependency' for Partial Dependency and 'accumulated_dependency' for Accumulated Local Effects
#' @param ... other parameters
#' @return An object of the class 'aggregated_profiles_explainer'.
#' It's a data frame with calculated average response.
#' @references Explanatory Model Analysis. Explore, Explain, and Examine Predictive Models. \url{https://ema.drwhy.ai/}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' titanic_glm_model <- glm(survived~., data = titanic_imputed, family = "binomial")
#' explainer_glm <- explain(titanic_glm_model, data = titanic_imputed)
#' expl_glm <- variable_effect(explainer_glm, "fare", "partial_dependency")
#' plot(expl_glm)
#'  \donttest{
#' library("ranger")
#' titanic_ranger_model <- ranger(survived~., data = titanic_imputed, num.trees = 50,
#'                                probability = TRUE)
#' explainer_ranger  <- explain(titanic_ranger_model, data = titanic_imputed)
#' expl_ranger  <- variable_effect(explainer_ranger, variables = "fare",
#'                             type = "partial_dependency")
#' plot(expl_ranger)
#' plot(expl_ranger, expl_glm)
#' # Example for factor variable (with factorMerger)
#' expl_ranger_factor  <- variable_effect(explainer_ranger, variables =  "class")
#' plot(expl_ranger_factor)
#'  }

#' @name variable_effect
#' @export
variable_effect <-  function(explainer, variables, ..., type = "partial_dependency") {
  # Deprecated
  if (!exists("message_variable_effect", envir = .DALEX.env)) {
    .DALEX.env$message_variable_effect = TRUE
    .Deprecated("DALEX::model_profile()", package = "DALEX", msg = "'variable_effect()' is deprecated. Use 'DALEX::model_profile()' instead.\nFind examples and detailed introduction at: https://pbiecek.github.io/ema/")

  switch (type,
          "partial_dependency" = variable_effect_partial_dependency(explainer, variables, ...),
          "accumulated_dependency" = variable_effect_accumulated_dependency(explainer, variables, ...),
          stop("The type argument shall be either 'partial_dependency' or 'accumulated_dependency'")

#' @name variable_effect
#' @export
variable_effect_partial_dependency <-  function(explainer, variables, ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  if (!("explainer" %in% class(explainer))) stop("The variable_effect_partial_dependency() function requires an object created with explain() function.")
  if (is.null(explainer$data)) stop("The variable_effect_partial_dependency() function requires explainers created with specified 'data' parameter.")

  # call the shap from iBreakDown
                                  variables = variables,

#' @name variable_effect
#' @export
variable_effect_accumulated_dependency <-  function(explainer, variables, ...) {
  # run checks against the explainer objects
  if (!("explainer" %in% class(explainer))) stop("The variable_effect_accumulated_dependency() function requires an object created with explain() function.")
  if (is.null(explainer$data)) stop("The variable_effect_accumulated_dependency() function requires explainers created with specified 'data' parameter.")

  # call the shap from iBreakDown
                                  variables = variables,
ModelOriented/DALEX documentation built on June 10, 2024, 4:32 p.m.