
Defines functions write_stdout write_stderr is_python3 py_last_error py_clear_last_error py_is_callable r_to_py_impl py_activate_virtualenv py_initialize py_finalize py_is_none py_compare_impl py_str_impl py_print py_is_function py_is_null_xptr py_validate_xptr py_numpy_available_impl py_list_attributes_impl py_has_attr_impl py_get_attr_impl py_set_attr_impl py_get_attribute_types py_ref_to_r_with_convert py_ref_to_r py_call_impl py_dict_impl py_dict_get_item py_dict_set_item py_dict_length py_dict_get_keys_as_str py_tuple py_tuple_length py_module_import py_module_proxy_import py_list_submodules py_iterate py_iter_next py_run_string_impl py_run_file_impl py_eval_impl readline

Documented in py_clear_last_error py_is_null_xptr py_last_error py_validate_xptr

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

write_stdout <- function(text) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_write_stdout`, text)

write_stderr <- function(text) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_write_stderr`, text)

is_python3 <- function() {

#' Get or clear the last Python error encountered
#' @return For `py_last_error()`, a list with the type, value,
#' and traceback for the last Python error encountered (can be
#' `NULL` if no error has yet been encountered).
#' @export
py_last_error <- function() {

#' @rdname py_last_error
#' @export
py_clear_last_error <- function() {

py_is_callable <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_is_callable`, x)

r_to_py_impl <- function(object, convert) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_r_to_py_impl`, object, convert)

py_activate_virtualenv <- function(script) {
    invisible(.Call(`_reticulate_py_activate_virtualenv`, script))

py_initialize <- function(python, libpython, pythonhome, virtualenv_activate, python3, interactive, numpy_load_error) {
    invisible(.Call(`_reticulate_py_initialize`, python, libpython, pythonhome, virtualenv_activate, python3, interactive, numpy_load_error))

py_finalize <- function() {

py_is_none <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_is_none`, x)

py_compare_impl <- function(a, b, op) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_compare_impl`, a, b, op)

py_str_impl <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_str_impl`, x)

py_print <- function(x) {
    invisible(.Call(`_reticulate_py_print`, x))

py_is_function <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_is_function`, x)

#' Check if a Python object is a null externalptr
#' @param x Python object
#' @return Logical indicating whether the object is a null externalptr
#' @details When Python objects are serialized within a persisted R
#'  environment (e.g. .RData file) they are deserialized into null
#'  externalptr objects (since the Python session they were originally
#'  connected to no longer exists). This function allows you to safely
#'  check whether whether a Python object is a null externalptr.
#'  The `py_validate` function is a convenience function which calls
#'  `py_is_null_xptr` and throws an error in the case that the xptr
#'  is `NULL`.
#' @export
py_is_null_xptr <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_is_null_xptr`, x)

#' @rdname py_is_null_xptr
#' @export
py_validate_xptr <- function(x) {
    invisible(.Call(`_reticulate_py_validate_xptr`, x))

py_numpy_available_impl <- function() {

py_list_attributes_impl <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_list_attributes_impl`, x)

py_has_attr_impl <- function(x, name) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_has_attr_impl`, x, name)

py_get_attr_impl <- function(x, name, silent = FALSE) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_get_attr_impl`, x, name, silent)

py_set_attr_impl <- function(x, name, value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_reticulate_py_set_attr_impl`, x, name, value))

py_get_attribute_types <- function(x, attributes) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_get_attribute_types`, x, attributes)

py_ref_to_r_with_convert <- function(x, convert) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_ref_to_r_with_convert`, x, convert)

py_ref_to_r <- function(x) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_ref_to_r`, x)

py_call_impl <- function(x, args = NULL, keywords = NULL) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_call_impl`, x, args, keywords)

py_dict_impl <- function(keys, items, convert) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_dict_impl`, keys, items, convert)

py_dict_get_item <- function(dict, key) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_dict_get_item`, dict, key)

py_dict_set_item <- function(dict, item, value) {
    invisible(.Call(`_reticulate_py_dict_set_item`, dict, item, value))

py_dict_length <- function(dict) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_dict_length`, dict)

py_dict_get_keys_as_str <- function(dict) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_dict_get_keys_as_str`, dict)

py_tuple <- function(items, convert) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_tuple`, items, convert)

py_tuple_length <- function(tuple) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_tuple_length`, tuple)

py_module_import <- function(module, convert) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_module_import`, module, convert)

py_module_proxy_import <- function(proxy) {
    invisible(.Call(`_reticulate_py_module_proxy_import`, proxy))

py_list_submodules <- function(module) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_list_submodules`, module)

py_iterate <- function(x, f) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_iterate`, x, f)

py_iter_next <- function(iterator, completed) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_iter_next`, iterator, completed)

py_run_string_impl <- function(code, local = FALSE, convert = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_run_string_impl`, code, local, convert)

py_run_file_impl <- function(file, local = FALSE, convert = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_run_file_impl`, file, local, convert)

py_eval_impl <- function(code, convert = TRUE) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_py_eval_impl`, code, convert)

readline <- function(prompt) {
    .Call(`_reticulate_readline`, prompt)
Mormukut11/R-interface-to-Python documentation built on May 21, 2019, 9:36 a.m.