CointegrationOfTwoTS: Investigate the Cointegration between two time series

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CointegrationOfTwoTSR Documentation

Investigate the Cointegration between two time series


If TS1 and TS2 are cointegrated then a linear combination must be stationary.


CointegrationOfTwoTS(TS1, TS2, alpha = 1, type='c',PlotIt = TRUE)



[1:n] vector of data


[1:n] vector of data


linear factor, do not search for right alpha with PLS statistics.


a character string describing the type of UnitrootTests (the unit root regression). Valid choices are "nc" for a regression with no intercept (constant) nor time trend, and "c" for a regression with an intercept (constant) but no time trend, "ct" for a regression with an intercept (constant) and a time trend. The default is "c".


TRUE: plot distribution analysis of CointegrationOrder1 (which seems to be the residuals?)


"In the econometric literature, a time series zt is said to be an integrated process of order 1, that is, an I(1) process, if (1−B)zt is stationary and invertible. In general, a univariate time series zt is an I(d) process if (1−B)dzt is stationary and invertible, where d > 0. The order d is referred to as the order of integration or the multiplicity of a unit root. A stationary and invertible time series is said to be an I(0) process." [Tsay, 2013, p.295]

In short, A cointegration relationship exists between two (or more) time series when there is a long-term balance between two (or more) transient (integrated) variables. Cointegration is applied to detrend time series (non-stationary time series). It represents an alternative to a detrending through the computation of differences (DiffFilter). Trend correction is often proposed in order to avoid false regressions.


List of




Check cointegration with UnitrootTests


Check cointegration with adf.test


regression analysis fails if ts are non stationary

the simplest unit-root nonstationary time series is the univariate random walk

linear combination of several unit-root nonstationary time series can become a stationary series [Box and Tiao, 1977].


Michael Thrun


[Tsay, 2013] Tsay, Ruey S: Multivariate time series analysis: with R and financial applications, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.

[Box and Tiao, 1977] Box, G. E. P. and Tiao, G. C. (1977): A canonical analysis of multiple time serie, Biometrika, 64, pp. 355–366, 1977.

See Also


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