NCAR/Ranadu: Functions for use with RAF aircraft data files

This package contains a function for loading a portion of a netCDF data file into a data.frame, and it contains a number of functions that implement algorithms described in ProcessingAlgorithms.pdf. Two manuals are included, 'RanaduManual.pdf' (which describes the functions and includes a very short introduction to R) and 'RanaduShinyManual.pdf' which describes the accompanying shiny application that provides a variety of interactive plot capabilities for data analysis using NCAR/RAF data files. The package depends on the ncdf4 and nleqslv packages. Functions included are: GetNetCDF (to load the data.frame), GetIndex to find the index corresponding to a particular time, GetStartEnd to find the time limits of the data, SpecificHeats for the (possibly moisture corrected) specific heats and gas constant for air, MachNumber, RecoveryFactor, TrueAirspeed, AirTemperature, MurphyKoop (for the water vapor pressure), DPfromE (to find the dew point corresponding to a specified water vapor pressure), PressureAltitude, PotentialTemperature, EquivalentPotentialTemperature, Sqs (the quasi-steady supersaturation in cloud given the updraft and droplet size distribution), WetEquivalentPotentialTemperature, MixingRatio, VirtualTemperature, VirtualPotentialTemperature, and plotWAC, lineWAC and histWAC (convenience routines producing some aspects of plots I use routinely). A skew-T background is provided by SkewT.R. A routine for generating plots of spectral variance (VSpec) is included. There is also a function providing standard constants including those defined in ProcessingAlgorithms.pdf. There is a utility for making subsets of a netCDF file, included because it preserves variable attributes, and there are other functions also. One new function supports starting other programs that read netCDF-format files and providing such files generated from R data.frames.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorWilliam Cooper
MaintainerWilliam Cooper <>
LicenseBSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
NCAR/Ranadu documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1:09 a.m.