AdiabaticTandLWC: AdiabaticTandLWC

AdiabaticTandLWCR Documentation



Calculate the temperature and liquid water content for adiabatic ascent.


AdiabaticTandLWC(.Pbase, .Tbase, .Pobs, .Ebase = 0, .lwc = 0)



Starting-point pressure, hPa


Starting-point temperature, degC


Pressure at the observation level, hPa (can be length>1)


Optional vapor pressure at starting point; the default is zero and in that case the calculation uses the equilibrium vapor pressure at .Tbase


Liquid water content (g/m^3) at starting point (default 0)


For reversible ascent, this function calculates the final temperature and liquid water content given an initial pressure, temperature, and liquid water content. The starting point will often be the cloud base, and .lwc will be zero, but the routine doesn't require this and if given a subsaturated vapor pressure will calculate reversible ascent below cloud base and produce zero LWC for final pressures below cloud base. If the optional vapor pressure at the starting point is zero or omitted the equilibrium vapor pressure at the starting-point temperature will be used.


A data.frame containing two columns, Tobs and ALWC, which are the (possibly length>1) values of temperature [degC] and liquid water content [g/m^3] corresponding to the pressures .pObs .


William Cooper


AdiabaticTandLWC (900, 20, c(900,800,700,600,500,400))
## Not run: plot(AdiabaticTandLWC (900.,20.,seq(900,200,by=-10))$ALWC, seq(900,200,by=-10), 
    xlab='LWC [g/m^3]', ylab = 'Pressure [hPa]', ylim=c(1000,100), type='l', lwd=2, col='blue')
## End(Not run)

NCAR/Ranadu documentation built on Jan. 27, 2023, 1:09 a.m.