
Forcing could be stored in multiple files, either in input forcing files (such as LDASIN or PRECIP_FORCING files) or in the output files (LDASOUT). LDASOUT files may contain a variable called ACCPRCP storing the accumulated precipitation, and the rainfall depth can be obtained by subtracting two consecutive time steps. LDASIN and PRECIP_FORCING files usually store rain rate in RAINRATE and precip_rate variables. This vignette serve as a short explanation of how to retrieve data and perform some basic comparisons between two set of data.

Load the rwrfhydro package.


Import observed datasets

Functions to retrieve observation data for several observational network is provided in rwrfhydro. GHCN-Daily and USCRN networks are introduced and used in this vignette.


The US. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) is a network of monitoring stations equipped with research quality instruments. Beside precipitation, these gauges report temperature, soil moisture and soil temperature. The precipitation is measured every 5 minutes using three independent measurements in a weighing bucket gauge accompanied with a disdrometer reporting the presence or absence of precipitation. These gauges, in the cold climate, are equipped with heating tape around the throat of the weighing gauge to prevent the frozen precipitation from accumulating on the interior walls and capping the gauge. The redundancy in the measurements is to ensure the quality of the measurements.

Data is provided in 4 different temporal resolution (subhourly, hourly, daily and monthly), and depending on the temporal resolution, the variables provided changes. For more infoamtion on the data and how to retrieve, refer to the the man page of Get_USCRN.


Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily (GHCN-D) dataset contains daily data from around 80000 surface station in the world, which about two third of them are precipitation only (Menne et al. 2012). It is the most complete collection of U.S. daily data available (Menne et al. 2012). The dataset undergo an automated quality assurance which the details can be found in Durre et al. 2008; 2010. Data is available on and is updated frequently. Data is available in two formats either categorized by gauge station or categorized by year. Accordingly, there are two function to pull GHCN-daily data from these two sources called GetGhcn and GetGhcn2.

Gauge selection

First step is to select the gauges you want to use for verification based on some criteria. GHCN-daily contains the precipitation data from different sources such as COOP or CoCoRaHS. The selection criteria can be country code, states if country is US, type of rain gauge network (for example CoCoRaHS), or a rectangle domain.

#setInternet2(use=FALSE) # If using windows, you may need this.

# Return all the gauges within US from observation network of COOP (C) and CoCoRaHS (1)
countryCodeList <- c("US")
networkCodeList <- c("1","C")
sg <- SelectGhcnGauges(countryCode=countryCodeList,

The sg dataframe has all the information provided by NCDC about each gauge. For the rest of this vignette we will use only the domain of Fourmile Creek which is the case study provided. We use the rectangle domain containing Fourmile Creek, as the boundary to collect all the gauges information.

sg <- SelectGhcnGauges(domain = TRUE, minLat = 40.0125, maxLat = 40.0682, 
                       minLon = -105.562, maxLon=-105.323)


GHCN-daily data are archived for each individual gauge in a text file in Precipitating can be downloaded for a single site or multiple ones by setting element to "PRCP" and specifying the desired start and end date. Notice, precipitation values are converted from 10th of mm to mm.

startDate <- "2013/01/01"
endDate <- "2013/09/30"
element <- "PRCP"
obsPrcp <- GetGhcn(sg$siteIds, element, startDate, endDate, parallel = FALSE)


NCDC also provides GHCN-daily categorized by year under If the number of the gauges are high, GetGhcn2 is much faster in retrieving data. It has the same arguments as GetGhcn.

Import forcing/precipitation data used in WRF-Hydro model

Forcing data used in WRF-Hydro modeling are usually stored in forcing files (such as LDASIN or PRECIP_FORCING files). Here we are going to use the data provided under "Fourmile_Creek" dataset.

Set a data path to the Fourmile Creek test case.

fcPath <- '~/wrfHydroTestCases/Fourmile_Creek_testcase_v2.0'

First make a list of all the forcing files.

forcingPath <- paste0(fcPath,"/FORCING")
files <- list.files(path = forcingPath, full.names = TRUE, pattern = glob2rx("201304*LDASIN_DOMAIN1"))

In order to be able to pull data from the netcdf files, one needs the location of the points in the geogrid domain file. However, only lat/lon locations of rain gauges are available if using SelectGhcnGauges function. Therefore, it is required to map lat/lon information to x/y information in geogrid in order to pull the data from the netcdf files. This can be done using GetGeogridIndex function in rwrfhydro. One needs to provide the address to geogrid file, the lat/lon info and the GetGeogridIndex function return a dataframe with two column sn (south-north) and ew (east-west).

geoFile <- paste0(fcPath,'/DOMAIN/')
rainGgaugeInds <- GetGeogridIndex(xy = data.frame(lon=sg$longitude, lat=sg$latitude),
                                  ncfile = geoFile)
sg <- cbind(sg,rainGgaugeInds)

Now we can pull data. One needs to prepare the file, var, and ind variables for GetMultiNcdf function (refer to Collect Output Data: GetMultiNcdf vignette . You can leave the stat as mean; since you are pulling data for single pixels, means return the value of the pixel.

flList <- list(forcing = files)
varList <- list(forcing = list(PRCP = 'RAINRATE'))
prcpIndex <- list()
for (i in 1:length(sg$siteIds)) {
  if (!$we[i]) & !$sn[i])) {
    prcpIndex[[as.character(sg$siteIds[i])]] <- list(start=c(sg$we[i], sg$sn[i],1),
                                                     end=c(sg$we[i], sg$sn[i],1), stat="mean")
indList <-list(forcing = list(PRCP = prcpIndex))
prcpData <- GetMultiNcdf(file = flList, var = varList, ind = indList, parallel=FALSE)

GetMultiNcdf pulls the time information from the netcdf files, if the data is not prepared properly, and the time info is not available, it will return the name of the file instead. In that case, time should be retrieved from the file name which is save in column POSIXct. Since the obsPrcp data are converted to mm, we also convert the rainrate to rain depth in an hour.

prcpData$value <- prcpData$value*3600

Aggregating hourly data into daily.

Each GHCN gauge has a unique reporting time which the daily data is been calculated based on that. The reporting time is archived in the csv files and is retrieved when calling GetGhcn2 function (you will not get the reporting time using GetGhcn). We need to add the reporting time for each point which would be the base for daily aggregation. If there will not be any reportTime in sg columns, then it uses the default which is 0700 AM.

if ("reportTime" %in% names(prcpData)) {
  sg$reportTime <- obsPrcp$reportTime[match(sg$siteIds, obsPrcp$siteIds)]
  sg$reportTime[which (sg$reportTime=="" |$reportTime))] <-700
  sg$reportTime<- 700

Call the CalcDailyGhcn function which takes the following steps:

  1. It first search for a column called timeZone in the sg (selected gauges) dataframe. If the time zone has not been provided, it will call GetTimeZone(sg). To GetTimeZone works, sg requires to have at least two fields of latitude and longitude.
  2. Having time zone for each gauge, the time offset will be obtained from the tzLookup data provided with rwrfhydro. Using the time offset, the UTC time of the precipitation will be converted to Local Standard Time (LST). This is the time convention, GHCN-D data report.
  3. The precipitation data will be aggregated based on the reporting time of individual gauge. After the dailyData is returned, you can remove the days which do not have full hours reports, numberOfDataPoints column has the number of hours that observation was available within a day.
names(prcpData)[names(prcpData) == 'value'] <- 'DEL_ACCPRCP'
dailyData <- CalcDailyGhcn(sg = sg,prcp = prcpData)

Comparing daily QPE/QPF versus GHCN-D

Final step if to find the common data between the two dataset (precipitation time series (dailyData) and the observed GHCN-D (obsPrcp)). This can be very fast if using data.table.

#usind data.table merge
common <-,

Call the CalcStatCont function and it returns all the requested statistics. The default are numPaired (number of paired data), meanObs (mean of observation data), meanMod (mean of model/forecast data), pearsonCor (Pearson correlation coefficient), RMSE (root mean square error), and multiBias (multiplicative bias). Here we want to get the statistics for each gauge, therefore, we need to group the data for each gauge. This can be done by defining groupBy to be the column name having siteIds, here statArg.

stat <- CalcStatCont(DT = common, obsCol = "dailyGhcn", modCol = "dailyPrcp" , 
                     obsMissing = -999.9, groupBy = "statArg")

# CalcStatCont will return a list having two elements of stat and plotList.

#To check the statistics 

If the groupBy is NULL then it will return four informative plots.

common2 <- common[statArg == unique(statArg)[1]]
stat <- CalcStatCont(DT = common2, obsCol = "dailyGhcn", modCol = "dailyPrcp", obsMissing = -999.9, title = common2$statArg)

You can choose among the four plots by changing the plot.list argument.

stat <- CalcStatCont(DT = common2, obsCol = "dailyGhcn", modCol = "dailyPrcp" , obsMissing = -999.9, plot.list = "scatterPlot")

You can also calculate conditional statistics by defining the boundaries you are interested in. For example, here we calculate the statistics conditioned on the observation to be greater than 1 mm.

stat <- CalcStatCont(DT = common2, obsCol = "dailyGhcn", modCol = "dailyPrcp" , 
                     obsCondRange = c(1, Inf), plot.list = "scatterPlot")

Calculate statistics over RFCs

Sometime the verification result at the gauge location is not desired and we want to find the performance of a model over a domain or polygon. If you want to calculate statistics over RFC's, then use GetRfc function. One can find out a gauge (point) falls in which RFC using GetRfc. You simply feed a dataframe having at least two columns of latitude and longitude and this functions adds a column to a dataframe with RFC name.

# add rfc name
sg <- GetRfc(sg)

# check what is been added

Now, add a column to the common data having the rfc information for each data. And calculate the statistics based on grouping by RFC.

# merge the common data.table with the sg data.frame
common <-,[, c("siteIds", "rfc")]),

# calculate statistics using grouping by rfc
stat <- CalcStatCont(DT = common, obsCol = "dailyGhcn", modCol = "dailyPrcp" , 
                     groupBy = "rfc", obsMissing = -999.9, = FALSE)


As you see above, all the gauges belong to one rfc (MBRFC), therefore there will be only one category.

Calculate statistics over polygons

One can calculate the statistics over any desired polygon shapefile. First, you need to use GetPoly function to find each point falls into which polygon. GetPoly takes a dataframe containing at least two fields of latitude and longitude, overlays the points with a SpatialPolygonDataFrame and return the requested attribute from the polygon. You can use the available SpatialPolygon* loaded into memory or provide the address to the location of a polygon shapefile and the name of the shapefile. The clipped HUC12 shapefile is provided with the test case. The northeast of the clipped polygon covers partially the Fourmile Creek domain. Here, we ty to find the corresponding polygon to each gauge and calculate the statistics over those polygons.

# add HUC12 ids
polygonAddress <- paste0(path.expand(fcPath), "/polygons")
sg <- GetPoly (sg,  polygonAddress = polygonAddress,
               polygonShapeFile = "clipped_huc12",

# check what is been added

# merge the common data.table with the sg data.frame
common <-,[, c("siteIds","HUC12")]),

# calculate statistics using grouping by HUC12
stat <- CalcStatCont(DT = common, obsCol = "dailyGhcn", modCol = "dailyPrcp", 
                     obsMissing = -999.9, groupBy = "HUC12", = FALSE)

All the gauges with available data belong to one HUC12, therefore there is only one category.

Calculate categorical statistics

You can also calculate some of the categorical statistics using CalcStatCategorical function. It accepts both categorical variable and continuous ones. If the data is actually categorical, variable category should be defined. The elements in category will be used as YES and NO in contingency table. If the data is numeric, then a set of thresholds should be defined. Values exceeding the threshold would be flagged as YES and the values below the threshold are considered NO. You can choose from the available statistics by changing the statList argument. By default, it calculates the Hit Rate (H), False Alarm Ratio (FAR) and Critical Success Index (CSI). The grouping option is similar to CalcStatCont.

# calculate categorical statistics
stat <- CalcStatCategorical(DT = common, obsCol = "dailyGhcn", modCol = "dailyPrcp", 
                            obsMissing = -999.9, groupBy = "statArg", threshold = c(1,5))

NCAR/rwrfhydro documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 12:47 p.m.