getGuilds: getGuilds

getGuildsR Documentation



Returns the guild data from the Guilds slot of an NCRNbirds object. The returned data can be filtered to meet various criteria.


  AOU = NA,
  type = NA,
  elements = NA,
  categories = NA,
  guilds = NA,
  output = "dataframe"



An NCRNbirds object or a list of such objects.


An optional character vector of AOU codes. Defaults to NA Each code should be in quotes. Only data from those birds will be returned.


An optional character vector that indicates which BCI you want guilds for. Typically you would pick only 1, but you can pick more. Options are:


The default, returns data from all BCIs


Central Appalachians BCI


The Northeast Temperate Network's forest BCI


An optional character vector that indicates which will filter the Guild dat aby integrity elements from the BCI. Defaults to NA which returns all integrity elements. Other options are "Compositional", "Functional", "Structural"


A character vector of guild categories. Defaults to NA. Only data for those categories will be returned. Options are:


What tyoe of foraging behavior does the species show? Possibilites include wate plunger, bark prober,upper canopy forager, etc.


Migratory status of the species


Where is the species' nest found? Possibilities include canopy, shrub, open ground nester etc.


Is the speices single or double brooded


Is the species exotic or native?


Is the species a nest predator or brood parasite.Yes or no.


Is the species a forest generalist or an interior forest obligate?


What does the species feed on? Can be omnivore, carnivore, insectivore etc.


A character vector that defualts to NA. When not NA it will filter the guild infomraiton by this field. Options include "BarkProbler", "CanopyNester", "Exotic", "ForestGeneralist", "ForestGroundNester", "GroundGleaner", "InteriorForestObligate", "LowerCanopyForger", "NetPredator_BroodParasite", "Omnivore", "OpenGroundNester","Resident,"ShrubNester","SingleBrooded","TemperateMigrant" and "UpperCanopyForager".


Either "dataframe" (the default) or "list". Note that this must be in quotes. Determines the type of output from the function. When a list of NCRNbirds object is used, and the output is "dataframe" then a each unique conbination of species and guidls will only be listed once in the resulting dataframe. If some species have different guild assingments in the different NCRNbirds objects in the list, then those species will be listed twice which could have unintended consiquences


This function returns data on bird guilds from an NPSForVeg object or a list of such objects. This data is stored in the Guilds slot.

NCRN/NCRNbirds documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 12:12 p.m.