mapBirds: mapBirds

mapBirdsR Documentation



Produces an html map from a vector of point names and a vector of corresponding values.


  maptype = "basic",
  colorgroups = 8,
  radius = 30,
  opacity = 1,
  colortype = "quantile",
  colors = c("cyan", "magenta4", "orangered3"),
  title = deparse(substitute(values)),



Either an object of class NCRNbirds or a list of such objects


A character vector of point names.


A vector of values to map. Can be either numerical data or categories.


The type of base map to be used. Options are:


The default, uses the basic Park Tiles map, similar to the maps found in park brochures.


The Park Tiles satellite imagery map.


The Park Tiles slate map. A very muted and grey base map.


The Park Tiles light map. A very pale map.


The number of different colors to display for maps with a colortype of "bin" or "quantile", or a series of cut points to be used with colortype="bin" See discussion below.


The radius in meters, of the circle drawn on the map. When the map is zoomed out the circles will be visible regardless of the value chosen.


Opacity of the circles on the map. A single number from 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque). Defaults to 1.


Indicates the method of assiging colors to each point. Make use of the leaflet package's color funcitons:


Divides the data into the number of groups indicated in colorgroups based on quantiles of the data. An approximately equal number of points will be in each group. Each group will be given a different color.


Divides the data into groups based on the cut function. Like the "quantile" option in divides the points into groups, but in this case each group should cover an approximately equal range in values of the data. Alternatively if colorgroups is a vector rather than a single number, the elements of the vector will be the cut points separating the groups to be mapped.


Colors the points based on a smooth color ramp, rather than dividing into groups.


Used when values are categorical data.


Either a character vector of one or more colors for the points on the map or a paletter created by a function such as colrorFactor.See discussion below.


A character vector to be used as the legend title.


This function serves as a wrapper for the leaflet package. It quickly creates a map by plotting the locations of the points on the ParkTiles base map from the NPS.

Several option exist for coloring the points based on the colorNumeric, colorBin, colorQuantile, and colorFactor functions in leaflet.

quantile - This option will divide the points into the equal quantiles based on the data in values. The colorgroups agrument indicates the number of groups the points will be divided into. For exmple if colorgroups=4 then the points with the bottom quarter of values will get one color, the second quarter of values will get a second color etc. An erorr may occur if it is not possible to divide the value vector in to the indicate number of groups. For example, if half of values is the same number, than it cannot be divided into thirds.

bin - This option also divides the points into groups, but in this case the groups either cover an equal range in values or cover ranges specificed in colorgroups. If colorgroups is a single value, than that will indicate the number of groups to divide values into. For example, if values range from 1 to 100, and colorgroups is 4, the points with values 1-25 will be one color, 26-50 a second and so on. If instead colorgroups is c(-1,10,50,75,101) then points from 1-10 will be one color, 11-50 a second and so on.

numeric - This option does not divide the points into groups. Rather points will have a smooth ramp of colors from the lowest to the highest value.

factor - This well color the points when values is categorical data (e.g. soil or vegetation type) rather than numeric. Each category gets a different color.

The colors agrument indicates which colors will be chosen for the points. This can a charcter vector and can either be standard R color names ("blue", "green" etc.) or hexadecimal colors ("#0000FF","008000",etc). If the number of colors is equal to the number of groups that each group will get the corresponding color. If there are fewer colors than groups, than a colorramp will be created using the indicate colors and used for the points. Typically maps made with the "numeric" option will make use of the color ramp. Alternatively you can supply a pre-made color palette created by the functions in the leaflet package.

NCRN/NCRNbirds documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 12:12 p.m.