
#' @title getNetwork
#' @description Returns the network code for a object of class \code{NPSForVeg}
#' @param object Either a \code{NPSForVeg} object, or a \code{list} of such objects
#' @return A characeter vector of network codes. For a single \code{NPSForVeg} object a single code is returned. For a \code{list} of objects, a network code for each object in the \code{list} is returned. 
#' @export

setGeneric(name="getNetwork",function(object){standardGeneric("getNetwork")} )

setMethod(f="getNetwork", signature="list",
          function(object) {sapply(object, FUN=getNetwork)}  )

setMethod(f="getNetwork", signature="NPSForVeg",
          function(object){object@Network}  )
NCRN/NPSForVeg documentation built on March 26, 2024, 7:13 a.m.