Man pages for NElnour/3dannotator
Classification of genome motifs or features to TADs

A549ChromLoopsPredicted chromsome loops in A549's chromsome 18
antrackA Classified Annotation Track of H3K9me3 predictor in mm10...
bin_motifsCalculate Motif Membership Probabilty per chromatin loop
calculate_overflowCalculate Amount of Motif Length to Hard chromatin loop...
classifiedAnnotationTrackGet Classified Motif Annotation Track
classifyMotif Soft Classification into Topologically-associating...
filter_motifsFilter BED Dataframe by Threshold
matchedMotifsMatched Motifs that Regulate H5-K9 Methylation
plot_layered_gvizPlot a Layered Gviz Figure
runAnnotatorRun annotator3D as a Shiny app
write_to_BEDWrite Motif Vector to BED File
NElnour/3dannotator documentation built on Dec. 12, 2019, 12:55 a.m.