
Select and make averaged traces from the imported data.

This markdown describes how we can use the traces component of the field data set to observe and analyze the inter


Basic plotly interactive

xA = list(
  title = "Time (ms)"
yA = list(
  range = c(-1.2,0.1),
  title = "mV"

# updateMenus <- list(
#     active = -1,
#     type = "buttons",
#     buttons = list(
#       list(
#         label = "Cond",
#         method = "update",
#         args = list(list(visible = c(FALSE, TRUE)),
#                     list(title = "Cond"))
#         ),
#       list(
#         label = "Decay",
#         method = "update",
#         args = list(list(visible = c(TRUE, FALSE)),
#                     list(title = "Decay"))
#         )
#       )
#     )

plot <- plotly::plot_ly(data = data.frame(field$traces), x = ~ms, y = ~Bl_Avg, type = "scatter", mode = "markers")
  plot = plotly::add_trace(p = plot,x = ~ms, y = ~Decay_Avg)
  plot = plotly::add_trace(p = plot,x = ~ms, y = ~Cond_Avg)


NRSC/nphys documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 2:12 a.m.