#' Use reticulate and python to extract abf data
#' @param x = file or list of files
#' @return return a dfs that contains everything outlined in select
#' @examples
#' x = loadD2AT(i, Rds = FALSE)
#' x = d2at
#' @export
# reticABF <- function(x, select = c("protocols", "testPulse", "vSteps", "levels", "timeData", "sweepTimes")) {
# #### startup scripts
# # Import modules and other personal scripts
# pyabf = reticulate::import("pyabf", convert = TRUE)
# reticulate::source_python("py/reticPyABF.py", convert = TRUE)
# ##### Setup place for output
# dfs = list()
# ##### Define what x is for now
# files = x
# ##### Import abf data from file using the python module pyABF
# # See documents on setting up python and reticulate ()
# pyImp = reticulate::py_suppress_warnings(lapply(files, function(f) {
# abf = pyabf$ABF(f)
# #names(abf) =
# }))
# ##### Get protocol names and manipulate to ensure specifics are maintained
# # First thing to be. This method also adds a count to
# dfs$protocols = reticulate::py_suppress_warnings(sapply(pyImp, function(f) {
# i = parent.frame()$i[]
# r = f[["protocol"]]
# r = as.character(r)
# r = gsub(" ", "", r)
# #r = gsub("HP-60", "", r)
# #r = gsub("SS_-60_", "", r)
# r = paste((as.numeric(i) - 1), r, sep = "-")
# return(r)
# }))
# # and set names of pyImp
# names(pyImp) = dfs$protocols
# ## Another option that currently does not show names.
# #names(pyImp) = sapply(pyImp, function(p){p["protocol"]})
# #if(any(grepl("protocol", select)){
# #}
# # if(any(grepl("testPulse", select))){
# # tp = pyImp[grep("testPulse", names(pyImp), value = TRUE)]
# # #tp$testPulse$
# #
# # }
# ######## Testing data import
# pro = pyImp$`4-NaV_5x_100ms`
# pro$sweepCount
# pro$sweepPointCount
# pr1 = array(pro$data, ncol = pro$sweepCount, nrow = pro$sweepPointCount*2)
# str(pr1)
# pr1[1:25, 1:10]
# #### END TEST
# #### vSteps ----
# dfs$vSteps = reticulate::py_suppress_warnings(sapply(pyImp, function(f) {
# v = getVoltages(f)
# }, simplify = TRUE))
# #### extract levels from vSteps ----
# x$dfs$levels = lapply(x$dfs$vSteps, function(x)
# sapply(x, function(z)
# z$levels, simplify = TRUE))
# #### timeData ----
# x$dfs$timeData = lapply(pyImp, function(f) {
# ret = list(
# sweepTimesSec = as.numeric(f$sweepTimesSec),
# abfDateTimeString = stringr::str_split(
# f$abfDateTimeString,
# simplify = TRUE,
# pattern = "T"
# )[2]
# )
# ret$xStart = stringr::str_split(ret$abfDateTimeString,
# pattern = "\\.",
# simplify = TRUE)[1]
# ret$xTime = as.numeric(stringr::str_split(
# ret$abfDateTimeString,
# pattern = "\\.",
# simplify = TRUE
# )[2]) + ret$sweepTimesSec
# ret$sweepTime = paste0(ret$xStart, ret$xTime*1000, sep = ".")
# return(ret)
# })
# #### sweepTimes ----
# x$dfs$sweepTimes = lapply(x$dfs$timeData, function(t) {
# ret = data.frame(xStart = t$xStart, ms = t$xTime) %>%
# tidyr::separate(.,
# col = xStart,
# sep = ":",
# into = c("H", "M", "S")) %>%
# mutate_all(as.numeric) %>%
# mutate(S = ifelse(ms >= 1000, S + 1, S)) %>%
# mutate(ms = ifelse(ms >= 1000, ms - 1000, ms))
# ret$ms = round(ret$ms, digits = 7)
# ret = paste(ret$H, ret$M, ret$S, ret$ms, sep = ":")
# })
# #### protocol start Times ----
# x$dfs$proStart = sapply(x$dfs$timeData, function(t){
# ret = t$xStart
# }) %>% as.character(.)
# if(any(grepl("NaV", names(pyImp)))){
# x$dfs$NaVx_mV = x$dfs$levels[[head(grep("NaV", names(x$dfs$levels)),1)]][3,]-60
# }
# x$dfs$Nav_mV = x$dfs$levels[[head(grep("Nav", names(x$dfs$levels)),1)]][3,]-60
# x$dfs$p1s = lapply(x$dfs$vSteps, function(x)
# sapply(x, function(z) {
# data.frame(z$p1s)
# }, simplify = TRUE)) %>%
# lapply(., function(x) {
# x = as.data.frame(x)
# x = rowMeans(x)
# })
# x$dfs$p2s = lapply(x$dfs$vSteps, function(x)
# sapply(x, function(z) {
# data.frame(z$p2s)
# }, simplify = TRUE)) %>%
# lapply(., function(x) {
# x = as.data.frame(x)
# x = rowMeans(x)
# })
# return(x)
# }
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