
# Functions to plot the raw input data in the first tab

# length_dat <- vector(length = length(station.nb.vect))
# for (i in seq(along = station.nb.vect)) {
#   sdat <- sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i])
#   length_dat[i] <- length(sdat$flom_DOGN)
# }
# hist(length_dat, breaks = 20 , xlab = "Lenth of flood record", ylab = "Number of stations", main= "", cex.lab = 1.5)

########################################## TEST OF BOX PLOT FOR ALL STATIONS THAT HAVE MORE THAN N data

#' qdata_boxplot_OLD
#' @param min_years 
#' @param max_years 
#' @param min_height 
#' @param max_height 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
qdata_boxplot_OLD <- function(min_years, max_years, min_height, max_height ) {
  keep <- c()
  keep <- which(station$length_rec > min_years)
  keep <- intersect(keep, which(station$length_rec < max_years))
  keep <- intersect(keep, which(station$catchment.min.height > min_height))
  keep <- intersect(keep, which(station$catchment.max.height < max_height))
  if (length(keep) > 0) {
    norm_Q <- Q[keep, ]/ rowMeans(Q[keep, ], na.rm = TRUE)
    st_ave.norm_Q <- colMeans(norm_Q, na.rm = TRUE)
    boxplot(st_ave.norm_Q, horizontal = TRUE, outwex = TRUE) 
  } else { plot(0, 0)
    legend("topright", inset = .05, "No stations fitting your selection", xjust = 0.5)

# #   par(las = 1)
#   if (length(keep > 0)) {
#     boxplot(sort(Q[keep, ], decreasing = TRUE), horizontal = TRUE, outwex = TRUE)    
#   }

  # boxplot(sort(Q[keep, ], decreasing = TRUE), horizontal = TRUE, outwex = TRUE, names = "dff")

#' qdata_barplot_OLD
#' @param min_years 
#' @param max_years 
#' @param min_height 
#' @param max_height 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
qdata_barplot_OLD <- function(min_years, max_years, min_height, max_height ) {
    keep <- c()
    keep <- which(station$length_rec > min_years)
    keep <- intersect(keep, which(station$length_rec < max_years))
    keep <- intersect(keep, which(station$catchment.min.height > min_height))
    keep <- intersect(keep, which(station$catchment.max.height < max_height))
    print("barplot funciton")
    if (length(keep) > 0) {
    norm_Q <- Q[keep, ]/ rowMeans(Q[keep, ], na.rm = TRUE)
    st_ave.norm_Q <- colMeans(norm_Q, na.rm = TRUE)
    # print(st_ave.norm_Q)
    barplot(st_ave.norm_Q, width = 1, space = 0)
    # barplot(na.omit(st_ave.norm_Q), seq(1,150,1))
    } else { plot(0, 0)
      legend("topright", inset = .05, "No stations fitting your selection", xjust = 0.5)


#   flood_list <- list()
#   station_list <- c()
#   for (i in 1:length(station.nb.vect)) {
#     # assign(paste("sdat",i,sep = ""), sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i]) )
#     if (!is.null(sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i]))) {
#       flood_list[[i]] <- sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i])$flom_DOGN / mean(na.omit(sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i])$flom_DOGN))
#       station_list[i] <- as.character(sdat_load(dat, station.nb.vect[i])$name[1])
#     } else {
#       flood_list[[i]] <- NA
#       station_list[i] <- NA
#     }
#   }
#   to_plot <- c()
#   k <- 0
#   for (i in 1:length(station.nb.vect)) {
#     if (length(flood_list[[i]]) > min_data && length(flood_list[[i]]) < max_data) {
#       k <- k+1
#       to_plot[k] <- i
#     }
#   }
#   par(las = 1) # all axis labels horizontal
#   boxplot(flood_list[to_plot], names = station_list[to_plot], horizontal = TRUE, outwex = TRUE)
#   max_vect <- colMaxs(flood_list[to_plot])

#' qdata_boxplot
#' @param station_nb 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
qdata_boxplot <- function(station_nb ) {
#   norm_Q <- Q[1:220, ] / rowMeans(Q[1:220, ], na.rm = TRUE)
#   st_ave.norm_Q <- colMeans(norm_Q, na.rm = TRUE)
#   norm_Q_this.station <- Q[station_nb, ] / mean(Q[station_nb, ], na.rm = TRUE)
#   plot_ly(y = norm_Q_this.station, type = "box") %>%
#     add_trace(y = st_ave.norm_Q, type = "box")  
  plot_ly(y = Q[station_nb, ], type = "box") %>%
    add_trace(y = Q[station_nb + 1, ], type = "box") %>%
    add_trace(y = Q[station_nb + 2, ], type = "box") %>%
    add_trace(y = Q[station_nb + 3, ], type = "box") %>%
    add_trace(y = Q[station_nb + 4, ], type = "box")

#' qdata_barplot
#' @param station_nb 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
qdata_barplot <- function(station_nb) {
    x = years[station_nb, ],
    y = Q[station_nb, ],
    name = "Bar plot of raw data",
    type = "bar") %>%
    add_trace(x = years[station_nb + 1, ], y = Q[station_nb + 1, ], type = "bar") %>%
    add_trace(x = years[station_nb + 2, ], y = Q[station_nb + 2, ], type = "bar") %>%
    add_trace(x = years[station_nb + 3, ], y = Q[station_nb + 3, ], type = "bar") %>%
    add_trace(x = years[station_nb + 4, ], y = Q[station_nb + 4, ], type = "bar")
    # barplot(Q[station_nb, ], years[station_nb, ], width = 1, space = 0)


NVE/FlomKart_ShinyApp documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:03 p.m.