
Defines functions drop_na_at.data.frame drop_na_at

Documented in drop_na_at

#' Drop missing values at columns that match a given pattern
#' @description Provides a simple yet efficient way to drop missing values("NA"s) at
#' columns that match a given pattern.
#' @param df A data.frame object
#' @param pattern_type One of "contains", "ends_with" or "starts_with"
#' @param pattern The type of pattern to use when matching the pattern_type. The pattern is case sensitive
#' @param ... Other params to other methods
#' @inheritParams recode_as_na
#' @return A data.frame object containing only columns that match the given pattern with the missing values removed.
#' @examples
#' head(drop_na_at(airquality,pattern_type = "starts_with","O"))
#' @export

drop_na_at <- function(df, pattern_type="contains",pattern=NULL,

#' @export

drop_na_at.data.frame <- function(df, pattern_type="contains",pattern=NULL,case_sensitive=FALSE,...){

                           case_sensitive = case_sensitive,...)]

na_counts <- get_na_counts(res)
na_counts_test <-all(na_counts == unname(na_counts[[1]]))


  stop("Unequal number of missing values, cannot rebind data. Please check with get_na_counts first")


final_res <- as.data.frame(stats::na.omit(res))

row.names(final_res) <- 1:nrow(final_res)

Nelson-Gon/mde documentation built on March 23, 2022, 10:58 p.m.