
#' Walter_2015_JCR
#' Subsetted version of a time-series-cross-sectional (TSCS) dataset  used in \href{https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0022002714528006}{Walter (2015)}.
#' It has data on duration of post-war peace as well as information on other relevant economic and political data.
#'    \item{year}{year.}
#'    \item{lastyear}{last observation year.}
#'    \item{renewed_war}{binary variable coded as 1 if the war was fought.}
#'    \item{fhcompor1}{Freedom House civil liberties index.}
#'    \item{lgdpl}{log of per capita GDP in 2005 dollars.}
#'    \item{comprehensive}{combatants signed comprehensive peace agreement.}
#'    \item{victory}{end of previous war with outright victory.}
#'    \item{instabl}{dummy that indicates whether there was a positive or negative change in the Polity 2 score in the previous country-year.}
#'    \item{intensityln}{deaths per year -- logged.}
#'    \item{ethfrac}{index of ethnic fractionalization.}
#'    \item{unpko}{number of UN peacekeepers on the ground.}
#'    \item{ccode}{country code.}
#'    \item{id}{unique conflict identifier.}
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @keywords datasets
#' @name Walter_2015_JCR
#' @usage data(Walter_2015_JCR)
#' @format A data frame with 1237 rows and 13 variables
#' @source Walter, Barbara F. (2015), Why Bad Governance Leads to Repeat Civil War,  Journal of Conflict Resolution 59(7), 1242 - 1272.
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