decennial_vars <-
~variable, ~sumfile, ~year, ~description,
# 2010 Decennial Census
"P018001", "sf1", 2010L, "Total households",
"H003002", "sf1", 2010L, "Occupied housing units",
"H014002", "sf1", 2010L, "Owner-occupied housing units",
"P020002", "sf1", 2010L, "Households w/ 1+ children",
"P020008", "sf1", 2010L, "Households w/ 1+ children, single parent",
# 2000 Decennial Census
"P015001", "sf1", 2000L, "Total households",
"H004001", "sf1", 2000L, "Occupied housing units",
"H004002", "sf1", 2000L, "Owner-occupied housing units",
"P077001", "sf3", 2000L, "Median family income",
"H091001", "sf3", 2000L, "Median monthly costs - housing units w/ mortgage",
"H063001", "sf3", 2000L, "Median gross rent (cash-paid renter-occupied)",
"H085001", "sf3", 2000L, "Median value of owner-occupied housing units",
"P090001", "sf3", 2000L, "Total families",
"P090002", "sf3", 2000L, "Families w/ income below poverty level",
"P052002", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income under $10k",
"P052011", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income $50k-under $60k",
"P052012", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income $60k-under $75k",
"P052013", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income $75k-under $100k",
"P052014", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income $100k-under $125k",
"P052015", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income $125k-under $150k",
"P052016", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income $150k-under $200k",
"P052017", "sf3", 2000L, "Households w/ income $200k or more",
"P088001", "sf3", 2000L, "Population w/ known poverty status",
"P088002", "sf3", 2000L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio under .5",
"P088003", "sf3", 2000L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio .5-.74",
"P088004", "sf3", 2000L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio .75-.99",
"P088005", "sf3", 2000L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1-1.24",
"P088006", "sf3", 2000L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1.25-1.49",
"P019002", "sf1", 2000L, "Households w/ 1+ children",
"P019005", "sf1", 2000L, "Households w/ 1+ children, single parent",
"H044001", "sf3", 2000L, "Occupied housing units (tenure/vehicles)",
"H044003", "sf3", 2000L, "Owner-occupied housing units with no vehicle",
"H044010", "sf3", 2000L, "Renter-occupied housing units with no vehicle",
"P050001", "sf3", 2000L, "Employed civilians age 16+",
"P050003", "sf3", 2000L, "Civilian males age 16+ in white-collar occupations",
"P050050", "sf3", 2000L, "Civilian females age 16+ in white-collar occupations",
"P043005", "sf3", 2000L, "Male civilian labor force age 16+",
"P043012", "sf3", 2000L, "Female civilian labor force age 16+",
"P043007", "sf3", 2000L, "Male unemployed civilian labor force age 16+",
"P043014", "sf3", 2000L, "Female unemployed civilian labor force age 16+",
"P037001", "sf3", 2000L, "Population age 25+",
"P037003", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ no education",
"P037020", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ no education",
"P037004", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ nursery-4th grade as highest education",
"P037021", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ nursery-4th grade as highest education",
"P037005", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ 5th-6th grade as highest education",
"P037022", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ 5th-6th grade as highest education",
"P037006", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ 7th-8th as highest education",
"P037023", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ 7th-8th as highest education",
"P037011", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ diploma or alternate as highest education",
"P037028", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ diploma or alternate as highest education",
"P037012", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ <1 yr college as highest education",
"P037029", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ <1 yr college as highest education",
"P037013", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ 1+ yrs college w/o degree",
"P037030", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ 1+ yrs college w/o degree",
"P037014", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ Associate's as highest degree",
"P037031", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ Associate's as highest degree",
"P037015", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ Bachelor's as highest degree",
"P037032", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ Bachelor's as highest degree",
"P037016", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ Master's as highest degree",
"P037033", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ Master's as highest degree",
"P037017", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ Professional degree as highest degree",
"P037034", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ Professional degree as highest degree",
"P037018", "sf3", 2000L, "Males 25+ w/ Doctorate as highest degree",
"P037035", "sf3", 2000L, "Females 25+ w/ Doctorate as highest degree",
"H020001", "sf3", 2000L, "Occupied housing units (tenure/people per room)",
"H020005", "sf3", 2000L, "Owner-occupied housing units with 1.01-1.5 per room",
"H020006", "sf3", 2000L, "Owner-occupied housing units with 1.51-2 per room",
"H020007", "sf3", 2000L, "Owner-occupied housing units with over 2 per room",
"H020011", "sf3", 2000L, "Renter-occupied housing units with 1.01-1.5 per room",
"H020012", "sf3", 2000L, "Renter-occupied housing units with 1.51-2 per room",
"H020013", "sf3", 2000L, "Renter-occupied housing units with over 2 per room",
# 1990 Decennial Census
"P0030001", "sf1", 1990L, "Total households",
"H0020001", "sf1", 1990L, "Occupied housing units",
"H0030001", "sf1", 1990L, "Owner-occupied housing units",
"P107A001", "sf3", 1990L, "Median family income",
"H052A001", "sf3", 1990L, "Median monthly costs - housing units w/ mortgage",
"H043A001", "sf3", 1990L, "Median gross rent (cash-paid renter-occupied)",
"H023B001", "sf1", 1990L, "Median value of owner-occupied housing units",
"P0040001", "sf3", 1990L, "Total families",
"P1230013", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, married couple all children <5 yrs",
"P1230014", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, married couple all children 5-17 yrs",
"P1230015", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, married couple children <5 & 5-17 yrs",
"P1230016", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, married couple no children <18",
"P1230017", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, male no wife all children <5 yrs",
"P1230018", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, male no wife all children 5-17 yrs",
"P1230019", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, male no wife children <5 & 5-17 yrs",
"P1230020", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, male no wife no children <18",
"P1230021", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, female no husband all children <5 yrs",
"P1230022", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, female no husband all children 5-17 yrs",
"P1230023", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, female no husband children <5 & 5-17 yrs",
"P1230024", "sf3", 1990L, "Fams w/ inc <pov lv, female no husband no children <18",
"P0800001", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income under $5k",
"P0800002", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $5k-under $10k",
"P0800019", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $50k-under $55k",
"P0800020", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $55k-under $60k",
"P0800021", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $60k-under $75k",
"P0800022", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $75k-under $100k",
"P0800023", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $100k-under $125k",
"P0800024", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $125k-under $150k",
"P0800025", "sf3", 1990L, "Households w/ income $150k or more",
"P1210001", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio under .5",
"P1210002", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio .5-.74",
"P1210003", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio .75-.99",
"P1210004", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1-1.24",
"P1210005", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1.25-1.49",
"P1210006", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1.5-1.74",
"P1210007", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1.75-1.84",
"P1210008", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1.85-1.99",
"P1210009", "sf3", 1990L, "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 2+",
"P0180001", "sf1", 1990L, "Family households w/ 1+ children, Married couple",
"P0180002", "sf1", 1990L, "Family households w/ 1+ children, single dad",
"P0180003", "sf1", 1990L, "Family households w/ 1+ children, single mom",
"P0180004", "sf1", 1990L, "Nonfamily households w/ 1+ children, male householder",
"P0180005", "sf1", 1990L, "Nonfamily households w/ 1+ children, female householder",
"H0410001", "sf3", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ householder 15-64 yrs w/ no vehicle",
"H0410002", "sf3", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ householder 15-64 yrs w/ 1+ vehicle",
"H0410003", "sf3", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ householder 65+ yrs w/ no vehicle",
"H0410004", "sf3", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ householder 65+ yrs w/ 1+ vehicle",
"P0780001", "sf3", 1990L, "People 16+ in executive, admin, management occupations",
"P0780002", "sf3", 1990L, "People 16+ in professional specialty occupations",
"P0700002", "sf3", 1990L, "Employed civilian males age 16+",
"P0700006", "sf3", 1990L, "Employed civilian females age 16+",
"P0700003", "sf3", 1990L, "Unemployed civilian males age 16+",
"P0700007", "sf3", 1990L, "Unemployed civilian females age 16+",
"P0570001", "sf3", 1990L, "People 25+ attained <9th grade education",
"P0570002", "sf3", 1990L, "People 25+ attained 9-12 grade, no degree",
"P0570003", "sf3", 1990L, "People 25+ w/ high school diploma or equivalent",
"P0570004", "sf3", 1990L, "People 25+ w/ some college, no degree",
"P0570005", "sf3", 1990L, "People 25+ w/ associate degree",
"P0570006", "sf3", 1990L, "People 25+ w/ bachelor's degree",
"P0570007", "sf3", 1990L, "People 25+ w/ graduate or professional degree",
"H0210001", "sf1", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ .5 or less people/room",
"H0210002", "sf1", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ over .5 to 1 people/room",
"H0210003", "sf1", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ over 1 to 1.5 people/room",
"H0210004", "sf1", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ over 1.5 to 2 people/room",
"H0210005", "sf1", 1990L, "Occupied housing units w/ 2 or more people/room"
acs_vars <-
~variable, ~description, ~set1, ~set2, ~set3, ~set4, ~set5, ~set6, ~set7, ~dec2010,
"B11005_001", "Total households", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
"B15002_001", "Population age 25+", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_003", "Males 25+ w/ no education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_004", "Males 25+ w/ nursery-4th grade as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_005", "Males 25+ w/ 5th-6th grade as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_006", "Males 25+ w/ 7th-8th as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_011", "Males 25+ w/ diploma or alternate as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_012", "Males 25+ w/ <1 yr college as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_013", "Males 25+ w/ 1+ yrs college w/o degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_014", "Males 25+ w/ Associate's as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_015", "Males 25+ w/ Bachelor's as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_016", "Males 25+ w/ Master's as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_017", "Males 25+ w/ Professional degree as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_018", "Males 25+ w/ Doctorate as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_020", "Females 25+ w/ no education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_021", "Females 25+ w/ nursery-4th grade as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_022", "Females 25+ w/ 5th-6th grade as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_023", "Females 25+ w/ 7th-8th as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_028", "Females 25+ w/ diploma or alternate as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_029", "Females 25+ w/ <1 yr college as highest education", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_030", "Females 25+ w/ 1+ yrs college w/o degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_031", "Females 25+ w/ Associate's as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_032", "Females 25+ w/ Bachelor's as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_033", "Females 25+ w/ Master's as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_034", "Females 25+ w/ Professional degree as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15002_035", "Females 25+ w/ Doctorate as highest degree", FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B15003_001", "Population age 25+", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_002", "People 25+ w/ no education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_003", "People 25+ w/ nursery school as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_004", "People 25+ w/ kindergarten as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_005", "People 25+ w/ 1st grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_006", "People 25+ w/ 2nd grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_007", "People 25+ w/ 3rd grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_008", "People 25+ w/ 4th grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_009", "People 25+ w/ 5th grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_010", "People 25+ w/ 6th grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_011", "People 25+ w/ 7th grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_012", "People 25+ w/ 8th grade as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_017", "People 25+ w/ diploma as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_018", "People 25+ w/ GED or alternate as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_019", "People 25+ w/ <1 yr college as highest education", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_020", "People 25+ w/ 1+ yrs college w/o degree", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_021", "People 25+ w/ Associate's as highest degree", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_022", "People 25+ w/ Bachelor's as highest degree", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_023", "People 25+ w/ Master's as highest degree", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_024", "People 25+ w/ Professional degree as highest degree", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B15003_025", "People 25+ w/ Doctorate as highest degree", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B17010_001", "Total families", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B17010_002", "Families w/ income below poverty level", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_002", "Households w/ income under $10k", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_011", "Households w/ income $50k-under $60k", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_012", "Households w/ income $60k-under $75k", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_013", "Households w/ income $75k-under $100k", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_014", "Households w/ income $100k-under $125k", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_015", "Households w/ income $125k-under $150k", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_016", "Households w/ income $150k-under $200k", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19001_017", "Households w/ income $200k or more", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B19013_001", "Median household income", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B19113_001", "Median family income", TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_006", "Male civilian labor force age 16-19 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_008", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 16-19 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_013", "Male civilian labor force age 20-21 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_015", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 20-21 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_020", "Male civilian labor force age 22-24 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_022", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 22-24 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_027", "Male civilian labor force age 25-29 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_029", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 25-29 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_034", "Male civilian labor force age 30-34 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_036", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 30-34 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_041", "Male civilian labor force age 35-44 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_043", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 35-44 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_048", "Male civilian labor force age 45-54 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_050", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 45-54 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_055", "Male civilian labor force age 55-59 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_057", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 55-59 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_062", "Male civilian labor force age 60-61 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_064", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 60-61 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_069", "Male civilian labor force age 62-64 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_071", "Unemployed Male civilian labor force age 62-64 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_074", "Male labor force age 65-69", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_076", "Unemployed Male labor force age 65-69 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_079", "Male labor force age 70-74", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_081", "Unemployed Male labor force age 70-74 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_084", "Male labor force age 75+", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_086", "Unemployed Male labor force age 75+", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_092", "Female civilian labor force age 16-19 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_094", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 16-19 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_099", "Female civilian labor force age 20-21 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_101", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 20-21 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_106", "Female civilian labor force age 22-24 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_108", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 22-24 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_113", "Female civilian labor force age 25-29 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_115", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 25-29 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_120", "Female civilian labor force age 30-34 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_122", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 30-34 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_127", "Female civilian labor force age 35-44 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_129", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 35-44 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_134", "Female civilian labor force age 45-54 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_136", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 45-54 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_141", "Female civilian labor force age 55-59 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_143", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 55-59 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_148", "Female civilian labor force age 60-61 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_150", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 60-61 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_155", "Female civilian labor force age 62-64 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_157", "Unemployed Female civilian labor force age 62-64 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_160", "Female labor force age 65-69", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_162", "Unemployed Female labor force age 65-69 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_165", "Female labor force age 70-74", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_167", "Unemployed Female labor force age 70-74 yrs", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_170", "Female labor force age 75+", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B23001_172", "Unemployed Female labor force age 75+", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B11005_002", "Households w/ 1+ person <18", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
"B11005_005", "Family households w/ single parent & 1+ person <18", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
"B23025_003", "Civilian labor force age 16+", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B23025_005", "Unemployed civilian labor force age 16+", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
"B25003_001", "Occupied housing units", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
"B25003_002", "Owner-occupied housing units", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE,
"B25014_001", "Occupied housing units (tenure/people per room)", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25014_005", "Owner-occupied housing units with 1.01-1.5 per room", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25014_006", "Owner-occupied housing units with 1.51-2 per room", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25014_007", "Owner-occupied housing units with over 2 per room", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25014_011", "Renter-occupied housing units with 1.01-1.5 per room", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25014_012", "Renter-occupied housing units with 1.51-2 per room", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25014_013", "Renter-occupied housing units with over 2 per room", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25044_001", "Occupied housing units (tenure/vehicles)", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25044_003", "Owner-occupied housing units with no vehicle", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25044_010", "Renter-occupied housing units with no vehicle", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25064_001", "Median gross rent (cash-paid renter-occupied)", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25077_001", "Median value of owner-occupied housing units", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"B25088_002", "Median monthly costs - housing units w/ mortgage", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C17002_001", "Population w/ known poverty status", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C17002_002", "People w/ income to poverty level ratio under .5", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C17002_003", "People w/ income to poverty level ratio .5-.99", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C17002_004", "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1-1.24", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C17002_005", "People w/ income to poverty level ratio 1.25-1.49", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C24010_001", "Employed civilians age 16+", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C24010_003", "Civilian males age 16+ in white-collar occupations", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
"C24010_039", "Civilian females age 16+ in white-collar occupations", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE,
"C24010_040", "Civilian females age 16+ in white-collar occupations", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE
acs_age_sex_race_ethnicity_vars <-
tidycensus::load_variables(year = 2020, dataset = "acs5", cache = TRUE) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "^B01001_")) %>%
variable = name,
description = str_replace(label, "^Estimate!!Total:!!", ""),
description = str_replace(description, "^(\\w+ale):", "\\1s"),
description = str_replace(description, " years", ""),
description = str_replace_all(description, "!!| ", "_"),
description = c("total", description[-1]),
description = tolower(description)
tidycensus::load_variables(year = 2020, dataset = "acs5", cache = TRUE) %>%
str_detect(name, "^B03002_"),
str_detect(label, ":!!Two or more races:!!", negate = TRUE)
) %>%
slice(-1) %>%
variable = name,
description = str_replace(label, "^Estimate!!Total:!!", ""),
description = str_replace_all(description, ":", ""),
description = str_replace_all(description, "!!| ", "_"),
description = tolower(description)
decennial_age_sex_race_ethnicity_vars <-
tidycensus::load_variables(year = 2000, dataset = "sf1", cache = TRUE) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "^P012\\d{3}$")) %>%
year = 2000L,
variable = name,
description = str_replace(label, "^Total!!", ""),
description = str_replace(description, "^(\\w+ale)", "\\1s"),
description = str_replace(description, " years", ""),
description = str_replace_all(description, "!!| ", "_"),
description = tolower(description)
tidycensus::load_variables(year = 2000, dataset = "sf1", cache = TRUE) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "^P008\\d{3}$")) %>%
slice(-1) %>%
year = 2000L,
variable = name,
description = str_replace(label, "^Total!!", ""),
description = str_replace(description, " years", ""),
description = str_replace_all(description, "!!| ", "_"),
description = tolower(description)
tidycensus::load_variables(year = 2010, dataset = "sf1", cache = TRUE) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "^P012\\d{3}$")) %>%
year = 2010L,
variable = name,
description = str_replace(label, "^Total!!", ""),
description = str_replace(description, "^(\\w+ale)", "\\1s"),
description = str_replace(description, " years", ""),
description = str_replace_all(description, "!!| ", "_"),
description = tolower(description)
tidycensus::load_variables(year = 2010, dataset = "sf1", cache = TRUE) %>%
filter(str_detect(name, "^P005\\d{3}$")) %>%
slice(-1) %>%
year = 2010L,
variable = name,
description = str_replace(label, "^Total!!", ""),
description = str_replace(description, " years", ""),
description = str_replace_all(description, "!!| ", "_"),
description = tolower(description)
overwrite = TRUE, compress = "xz")
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