
#'A set of center distances and latent correlations for items and facets of the
#'Domain Specific Self-Esteem Inventory (DSSEI), Sports Mental Toughness
#'Questionnaire (SMTQ), and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) completed by 2272
#'german speaking participants using the german versions of the questionnaires.
#'SEM estimation performed for all tests as one item pool.
#'@section Items:
#'  _____ RSES _____
#'  __ Positive Self-Esteem (Ps) __
#'  1. On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.
#'  3. I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
#'  4. I am able to do things as well as most other people.
#'  7.I feel that I'm a person of worth.
#'  10. I take a positive attitude toward myself.
#'  __ Lack of Negative Self-Esteem (Ns) __
#'  2. At times I think I am no good at all.
#'  5. I feel I do not have much to be proud of.
#'  6. I certainly feel useless at times.
#'  8. I wish I could have more respect for myself.
#'  9. All in all, I am inclined to think that I am a failure.
#'  (Rosenberg, M. (1965). Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSE). Acceptance and
#'  commitment therapy. Measures package, 61, 52.)
#'  _____ SMTQ _____
#'   __ Confidence (Cf) __
#'   13. I interpret potential threats as positive opportunities
#'   5.  I have an unshakeable confidence in my ability
#'   11. I have qualities that set me apart from other competitors
#'   6.  I have what it takes to perform well while under pressure
#'   14. Under pressure, I am able to make decisions with confidence and
#'   commitment
#'   1.  I can regain my composure if I have momentarily lost it
#'   __ Constancy (Cs) __
#'   3.  I am committed to completing the tasks I have to do
#'   12. I take responsibility for setting myself challenging targets
#'   8.  I give up in difficult situations
#'   10. I get distracted easily and lose my concentration
#'   __ Control (Ct) __
#'   2.  I worry about performing poorly
#'   4.  I am overcome by self-doubt
#'   9.  I get anxious by events I did not expect or cannot control
#'   7.  I get angry and frustrated when things do not go my way
#'   (Sheard, M., Golby, J., & Van Wersch, A. (2009). Progress toward construct
#'   validation of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ). European
#'   Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25(3), 186-193.)
#'  _____ DSSEI _____
#'   __ Social Competence (So) __
#'   1.  I usually feel as if I have handled myself well at social gatherings.
#'   5.  I feel secure in social situations.
#'   9.  I feel confident of my social behaviour.
#'   13. I am often troubled with shyness. (R)
#'   17. At social gatherings I am often withdrawn, not at all outgoing. (R)
#'   __ Task-Related Abilities (Ab) __
#'   2.  I feel as if I lack the necessary skills to really succeed at the work
#'   I do. (R)
#'   6.  I am able to do things as well as most other people.
#'   10. I usually expect to succeed at the things I do.
#'   14. I almost always accomplish the goals I set for myself.
#'   18. In general, I feel confident about my abilities.
#'   __ Physical Appeal (Ph) __
#'   3.  I feel that others would consider me to be attractive.
#'   7.  I'm not as nice looking as most people. (R)
#'   11. I feel confident that my physical appearance is appealing to others.
#'   15. I am satisfied with the way I look.
#'   19. I feel unattractive compared to most people my age. (R)
#'   __ Public Presentation (Pb) __
#'   4.  When I speak in a large group discussion, I usually feel sure of
#'   myself.
#'   8.  I enjoy being in front of large audiences.
#'   12. I feel quite confident when speaking before a group of my peers.
#'   16. I find it very hard to talk in front of a group. (R)
#'   20. When I talk in front of a group of people my own age, I am usually
#'   somewhat worried or afraid. (R)
#'   (Hoyle, R. H. (1991). Evaluating measurement models in clinical research:
#'   Covariance structure analysis of latent variable models of self-conception.
#'   Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59(1), 67.)
#'@source Dantlgraber, M., Stieger, S., & Reips, U. D. (2019). Introducing Item
#'  Pool Visualization: A method for investigation of concepts in self-reports
#'  and psychometric tests. Methodological Innovations, 12(3), 2059799119884283.

#' IPIP HEXACO Equivalent Scales
#' Cleaned-up data from an ad-hoc online sample of n = 22786 participants on the
#' 240 items of the IPIP HEXACO Equivalent Scales. Data were collected before
#' 21st June 2014 within the Open-Source Psychometrics Project
#' (\url{https://openpsychometrics.org/}). After including only those
#' participants who did at least "agree" on the items "I understand the
#' instructions for this test." and "I have answered all of these questions as
#' accurately as possible.", data on n = 20365 participants remains.
#' @section Items:
#'   \url{https://ipip.ori.org/newhexaco_pi_key.htm}
#' @source:
#' \url{https://openpsychometrics.org/_rawdata/} (May 6th, 2020)
NilsPetras/IPV documentation built on July 19, 2023, 9:12 p.m.