Man pages for NorskRegnesentral/shapr
Prediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley Values

aicc_full_cppAICc formula for several sets, alternative definition
aicc_full_single_cppTemp-function for computing the full AICc with several X's...
categorical_to_one_hot_layerA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a...
check_groupsCheck that the group parameter has the right form and content
compute_MSEv_eval_critMean Squared Error of the Contribution Function 'v(S)'
compute_shapley_newCompute shapley values
compute_vSComputes 'v(S)' for all features subsets 'S'.
correction_matrix_cppcorrection term with trace_input in AICc formula
create_ctreeMake all conditional inference trees
default_docUnexported documentation helper function.
default_doc_explainExported documentation helper function.
explainExplain the output of machine learning models with more...
explain_forecastExplain a forecast from a time series model using Shapley...
explain_tripledot_docsDocumentation of the approach-specific parameters in...
feature_combinationsDefine feature combinations, and fetch additional information...
feature_groupAnalogue to feature_exact, but for groups instead.
feature_group_not_exactAnalogue to feature_not_exact, but for groups instead.
feature_matrix_cppGet feature matrix
finalize_explanationComputes the Shapley values given 'v(S)'
gauss_cat_lossA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a 'gauss_cat_loss'
gauss_cat_parametersA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a 'gauss_cat_parameters'
gauss_cat_sampler_most_likelyA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a...
gauss_cat_sampler_randomA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a...
gaussian_transformTransforms a sample to standardized normal distribution
gaussian_transform_separateTransforms new data to standardized normal (dimension 1)...
get_data_forecastSet up data for explain_forecast
get_data_specsFetches feature information from a given data set
get_extra_parametersThis includes both extra parameters and other objects
get_model_specsFetches feature information from natively supported models
get_predict_modelGet predict_model function
get_supported_approachesGets the implemented approaches
get_supported_modelsProvides a data.table with the supported models
hat_matrix_cppComputing single H matrix in AICc-function using the...
inv_gaussian_transform_cppTransforms new data to a standardized normal distribution
lag_dataLag a matrix of variables a specific number of lags for each...
mahalanobis_distance_cpp(Generalized) Mahalanobis distance
mcar_mask_generatorMissing Completely at Random (MCAR) Mask Generator
memory_layerA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a Memory Layer
model_checkerCheck that the type of model is supported by the native...
observation_imputeGenerate permutations of training data using test...
observation_impute_cppGet imputed data
paired_samplerSampling Paired Observations
plot_MSEv_eval_critPlots of the MSEv Evaluation Criterion
plot.shaprPlot of the Shapley value explanations
plot_SV_several_approachesShapley value bar plots for several explanation objects
predict_modelGenerate predictions for input data with specified model
prepare_dataGenerate data used for predictions and Monte Carlo...
prepare_data_copula_cppGenerate (Gaussian) Copula MC samples
prepare_data_gaussian_cppGenerate Gaussian MC samples
process_factor_dataTreat factors as numeric values
quantile_type7_cppCompute the quantiles using quantile type seven
reg_forecast_setupSet up exogenous regressors for explanation in a forecast...
regression.check_namespacesCheck that needed libraries are installed
regression.check_parametersCheck regression parameters
regression.check_recipe_funcCheck 'regression.recipe_func'
regression.check_sur_n_combCheck the 'regression.surrogate_n_comb' parameter
regression.check_vfold_cv_paraCheck the parameters that are sent to 'rsample::vfold_cv()'
regression.cv_messageProduce message about which batch prepare_data is working on
regression.get_string_to_RConvert the string into an R object
regression.get_tuneGet if model is to be tuned
regression.get_y_hatGet the predicted responses
regression.prep_message_batchProduce message about which batch prepare_data is working on
regression.prep_message_combProduce message about which combination prepare_data is...
regression.separate_time_messProduce time message for separate regression
regression.surrogate_aug_dataAugment the training data and the explicands
regression.train_modelTrain a tidymodels model via workflows
release_questionsAuxiliary function for the vaeac vignette
sample_combinationsHelper function to sample a combination of training and...
sample_ctreeSample ctree variables from a given conditional inference...
setup_approachSet up the framework chosen approach
setup_computationSets up everything for the Shapley values computation in...
shapley_weightsCalculate Shapley weight
shapr-packageshapr: Prediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley...
skip_connectionA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a skip connection
specified_masks_mask_generatorA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a...
specified_prob_mask_generatorA 'torch::nn_module()' Representing a...
test_predict_modelModel testing function
vaeacInitializing a vaeac model
vaeac_categorical_parse_paramsCreates Categorical Distributions
vaeac_check_activation_funcFunction that checks the provided activation function
vaeac_check_cudaFunction that checks for access to CUDA
vaeac_check_epoch_valuesFunction that checks provided epoch arguments
vaeac_check_extra_named_listCheck vaeac.extra_parameters list
vaeac_check_logicalsFunction that checks logicals
vaeac_check_mask_genFunction that checks the specified masking scheme
vaeac_check_masking_ratioFunction that checks that the masking ratio argument is valid
vaeac_check_parametersFunction that calls all vaeac parameters check functions
vaeac_check_positive_integersFunction that checks positive integers
vaeac_check_positive_numericsFunction that checks positive numerics
vaeac_check_probabilitiesFunction that checks probabilities
vaeac_check_save_namesFunction that checks that the save folder exists and for a...
vaeac_check_save_parametersFunction that gives a warning about disk usage
vaeac_check_verboseFunction that checks the verbose parameter
vaeac_check_which_vaeac_modelFunction that checks for valid 'vaeac' model name
vaeac_check_x_colnamesFunction that checks the feature names of data and 'vaeac'...
vaeac_compute_normalizationCompute Featurewise Means and Standard Deviations
vaeac_datasetDataset used by the 'vaeac' model
vaeac_extend_batchExtends Incomplete Batches by Sampling Extra Data from...
vaeac_get_current_save_stateFunction that extracts additional objects from the...
vaeac_get_data_objectsFunction to set up data loaders and save file names
vaeac_get_evaluation_criteriaExtract the Training VLB and Validation IWAE from a list of...
vaeac_get_extra_para_defaultFunction to specify the extra parameters in the 'vaeac' model
vaeac_get_full_state_listFunction that extracts the state list objects from the...
vaeac_get_mask_generator_nameFunction that determines which mask generator to use
vaeac_get_model_from_checkpFunction to load a 'vaeac' model and set it in the right...
vaeac_get_n_decimalsFunction to get string of values with specific number of...
vaeac_get_optimizerFunction to create the optimizer used to train 'vaeac'
vaeac_get_save_file_namesFunction that creates the save file names for the 'vaeac'...
vaeac_get_val_iwaeCompute the Importance Sampling Estimator (Validation Error)
vaeac_get_x_explain_extendedFunction to extend the explicands and apply all relevant...
vaeac_impute_missing_entriesImpute Missing Values Using Vaeac
vaeac_kl_normal_normalCompute the KL Divergence Between Two Gaussian Distributions.
vaeac_normalize_dataNormalize mixed data for 'vaeac'
vaeac_normal_parse_paramsCreates Normal Distributions
vaeac_plot_eval_critPlot the training VLB and validation IWAE for 'vaeac' models
vaeac_plot_imputed_ggpairsPlot Pairwise Plots for Imputed and True Data
vaeac_postprocess_dataPostprocess Data Generated by a vaeac Model
vaeac_prep_message_batchProduce message about which batch prepare_data is working on
vaeac_preprocess_dataPreprocess Data for the vaeac approach
vaeac_print_train_summaryFunction to printout a training summary for the 'vaeac' model
vaeac_save_stateFunction that saves the state list and the current save state...
vaeac_train_modelTrain the Vaeac Model
vaeac_train_model_auxiliaryFunction used to train a 'vaeac' model
vaeac_train_model_continueContinue to Train the vaeac Model
vaeac_update_para_locationsMove 'vaeac' parameters to correct location
vaeac_update_pretrained_modelFunction that checks and adds a pre-trained 'vaeac' model
weight_matrixCalculate weighted matrix
weight_matrix_cppCalculate weight matrix
NorskRegnesentral/shapr documentation built on April 19, 2024, 1:19 p.m.