#' Creates or adds a stars object
#' Creates or adds a stars object based on the input object or a set of parameters.
#' It accepts either an object of class `stars` or `lsp`.
#' In the first case, the output is created based on
#' the `window` parameter.
#' In the second case, the output converts the `lsp` object into
#' a `stars` object.
#' @param x Object of class `stars` or `lsp`.
#' For `stars`, `window` or `window_size` can be used.
#' @param window Specifies areas for analysis. It can be either: `NULL`, a numeric value, or an `sf` object. If `window=NULL` calculations are performed for a whole area. If the `window` argument is numeric, it is a length of the side of a square-shaped block of cells. Expressed in the numbers of cells, it defines the extent of a local pattern. If an `sf` object is provided, each feature (row) defines the extent of a local pattern. The `sf` object should have one attribute (otherwise, the first attribute is used as an id).
#' @param metadata Logical. Only when `x`` is of class `lsp`. If `TRUE`, the output object will have metadata ("id" and "na_prop").
#' If `FALSE`, the output object will not have metadata ("id" and "na_prop").
#' @return A `stars` object converted from the input object or a provided set of parameters
#' @examples
#' library(stars)
#' landform = read_stars(system.file("raster/landforms.tif", package = "motif"))
#' plot(landform)
#' landform_lsp = lsp_add_stars(landform, window = 100)
#' plot(landform_lsp)
#' lc_cove = lsp_signature(landform, type = "cove", window = 200, normalization = "pdf")
#' lc_cove_lsp = lsp_add_stars(lc_cove)
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp)
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp["na_prop"])
#' \donttest{
#' # larger data example
#' library(stars)
#' landform = read_stars(system.file("raster/landform.tif", package = "motif"))
#' plot(landform)
#' landform_lsp = lsp_add_stars(landform, window = 100)
#' plot(landform_lsp)
#' lc_cove = lsp_signature(landform, type = "cove", window = 200, normalization = "pdf")
#' lc_cove_lsp = lsp_add_stars(lc_cove)
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp)
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp["na_prop"])
#' }
#' @aliases lsp_add_stars
#' @rdname lsp_add_stars
#' @export
lsp_add_stars = function(x = NULL, window = NULL, metadata = TRUE) UseMethod("lsp_add_stars")
#' @name lsp_add_stars
#' @export
lsp_add_stars.default = function(x = NULL, window = NULL, metadata = TRUE){
if (length(window) == 2){
window_shift = window[2]
window = window[1]
} else if (length(window) == 1){
window = window[1]
window_shift = window[1]
if (is.numeric(window) && window != 0){
if (inherits(x, "SpatRaster")){
x = stars::st_as_stars(x)
x_crs = sf::st_crs(x)
x_bb = sf::st_bbox(x)
x_delta_row = stars::st_dimensions(x)[[1]][["delta"]]
x_delta_col = stars::st_dimensions(x)[[2]][["delta"]]
output = lsp_create_grid(x_crs = x_crs,
x_bb = x_bb,
x_delta_row = x_delta_row,
x_delta_col = x_delta_col,
window_shift = window_shift)
} else if (is.null(window)){
x_bb = sf::st_bbox(x)
output = stars::st_as_stars(x_bb, nx = 1, ny = 1, values = 1)
names(output) = "id"
} else {
x_delta_row = stars::st_dimensions(x)[[1]][["delta"]]
x_delta_col = stars::st_dimensions(x)[[2]][["delta"]]
window = stars::st_rasterize(window,
template = stars::st_as_stars(sf::st_bbox(x),
values = NA_integer_,
dx = unname(x_delta_row),
dy = unname(x_delta_col)))
names(window) = "id"
#' @name lsp_add_stars
#' @export
lsp_add_stars.lsp = function(x = NULL, window = NULL, metadata = TRUE){
metadata_attr = attr(x, "metadata")
if (metadata_attr$use_window && is.null(window)){
stop("This function requires an sf object in the window argument for irregular local landscapes.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(metadata_attr$window_shift)){
if (metadata_attr$window_shift == 0) {
output_stars = stars::st_as_stars(metadata_attr$bb, nx = 1, ny = 1, values = 1)
names(output_stars) = "id"
} else if (is.null(window)){
output_stars = lsp_create_grid(x_crs = metadata_attr$crs,
x_bb = metadata_attr$bb,
x_delta_row = metadata_attr$delta_y,
x_delta_col = metadata_attr$delta_x,
window_shift = metadata_attr$window_shift)
} else {
output_stars = stars::st_rasterize(window[1],
template = stars::st_as_stars(metadata_attr$bb,
values = NA_integer_,
dx = metadata_attr$delta_y,
dy = metadata_attr$delta_x))
if ("signature" %in% names(x)) {
x = lsp_restructure(x)
output_stars = join_stars(output_stars, x, by = "id")
if (isFALSE(metadata)) {
output_stars = output_stars[- which(names(output_stars) %in% c("id", "na_prop"))]
join_stars = function(stars, df, by){
true_dim = dim(stars[[by]])
matched_ids = match(stars[[by]], df[[by]])
# matched_ids = matched_ids[-1]
nonid_colnames = colnames(df)[-which(colnames(df) == by)]
for (i in seq_along(nonid_colnames)){
selected_colnames = nonid_colnames[i]
selected_vals = df[[selected_colnames]][matched_ids]
if (inherits(selected_vals, "list")){
warning("Column ", selected_colnames, " is of a list class and will be dropped from the output object.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
stars[[selected_colnames]] = selected_vals
dim(stars[[selected_colnames]]) = true_dim
lsp_create_grid = function(x_crs, x_bb, x_delta_row, x_delta_col, window_shift){
cellshift = c(window_shift * x_delta_row,
window_shift * x_delta_col)
output_n_row = ceiling2(abs((x_bb["xmax"] - x_bb["xmin"]) / cellshift[1]))
output_n_col = ceiling2(abs((x_bb["ymin"] - x_bb["ymax"]) / cellshift[2]))
new_xmax = x_bb["xmin"] + (output_n_row * cellshift[1])
new_ymin = x_bb["ymax"] + (output_n_col * cellshift[2])
output_bb = sf::st_bbox(c(
xmin = unname(x_bb["xmin"]),
ymin = unname(new_ymin),
xmax = unname(new_xmax),
ymax = unname(x_bb["ymax"])
output = stars::st_as_stars(output_bb,
nx = unname(output_n_row),
ny = unname(output_n_col),
values = as.integer(seq_len(output_n_row * output_n_col)))
output = sf::st_set_crs(output, value = x_crs)
names(output) = "id"
#' Creates or adds a terra object
#' Creates or adds a terra object based on the input object or a set of parameters.
#' It accepts either an object of class `stars` or `lsp`.
#' In the first case, the output is created based on
#' the `window` parameter.
#' In the second case, the output converts the `lsp` object into
#' a `terra` object.
#' @param x Object of class `stars` or `lsp`.
#' For `stars`, `window` or `window_size` can be used.
#' @param window Specifies areas for analysis. It can be either: `NULL`, a numeric value, or an `sf` object. If `window=NULL` calculations are performed for a whole area. If the `window` argument is numeric, it is a length of the side of a square-shaped block of cells. Expressed in the numbers of cells, it defines the extent of a local pattern. If an `sf` object is provided, each feature (row) defines the extent of a local pattern. The `sf` object should have one attribute (otherwise, the first attribute is used as an id).
#' @param metadata Logical. Only when `x`` is of class `lsp`. If `TRUE`, the output object will have metadata ("id" and "na_prop").
#' If `FALSE`, the output object will not have metadata ("id" and "na_prop").
#' @return A `terra` object converted from the input object or a provided set of parameters
#' @examples
#' library(stars)
#' library(terra)
#' landform = read_stars(system.file("raster/landforms.tif", package = "motif"))
#' #plot(landform)
#' landform_lsp = lsp_add_terra(landform, window = 100)
#' #plot(landform_lsp)
#' #lc_cove = lsp_signature(landform, type = "cove", window = 200, normalization = "pdf")
#' #lc_cove_lsp = lsp_add_terra(lc_cove)
#' #plot(lc_cove_lsp)
#' #plot(lc_cove_lsp["na_prop"])
#' @export
lsp_add_terra = function(x = NULL, window = NULL, metadata = TRUE){
if (!requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("package terra required, please install it first") # nocov
output = lsp_add_stars(x = x, window = window, metadata = metadata)
output_names = names(output)
output = terra::rast(output)
names(output) = output_names
#' Creates or adds a sf object
#' Creates or adds a sf object based on the input object or a set of parameters.
#' It accepts either an object of class `stars` or `lsp`.
#' In the first case, the output is created based on
#' a set of parameters (`window_size` and `window_shift` or `window`).
#' In the second case, the output converts the `lsp` object into
#' a `sf` object.
#' @param x Object of class `stars` or `lsp`.
#' For `stars`, `window` or `window_size` can be used.
#' @param window Specifies areas for analysis. It can be either: `NULL`, a numeric value, or an `sf` object. If `window=NULL` calculations are performed for a whole area. If the `window` argument is numeric, it is a length of the side of a square-shaped block of cells. Expressed in the numbers of cells, it defines the extent of a local pattern. If an `sf` object is provided, each feature (row) defines the extent of a local pattern. The `sf` object should have one attribute (otherwise, the first attribute is used as an id).
#' @param metadata Logical. Only when `x`` is of class `lsp`. If `TRUE`, the output object will have metadata ("id" and "na_prop").
#' If `FALSE`, the output object will not have metadata ("id" and "na_prop").
#' @return An `sf` object converted from the input object or a provided set of parameters
#' @examples
#' library(stars)
#' landform = read_stars(system.file("raster/landforms.tif", package = "motif"))
#' plot(landform)
#' landform_lsp = lsp_add_sf(landform, window = 100)
#' plot(landform_lsp)
#' lc_cove = lsp_signature(landform, type = "cove", window = 200, normalization = "pdf")
#' lc_cove_lsp = lsp_add_sf(lc_cove)
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp["id"])
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp["na_prop"])
#' \donttest{
#' # larger data example
#' library(stars)
#' landform = read_stars(system.file("raster/landform.tif", package = "motif"))
#' plot(landform)
#' landform_lsp = lsp_add_sf(landform, window = 100)
#' plot(landform_lsp)
#' lc_cove = lsp_signature(landform, type = "cove", window = 200, normalization = "pdf")
#' lc_cove_lsp = lsp_add_sf(lc_cove)
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp["id"])
#' plot(lc_cove_lsp["na_prop"])
#' }
#' @aliases lsp_add_sf
#' @rdname lsp_add_sf
#' @export
lsp_add_sf = function(x = NULL, window = NULL, metadata = TRUE) UseMethod("lsp_add_sf")
#' @name lsp_add_sf
#' @export
lsp_add_sf.default = function(x = NULL, window = NULL, metadata = TRUE){
if (length(window) == 2){
window_shift = window[2]
window = window[1]
} else if (length(window) == 1){
window = window[1]
window_shift = window[1]
if (is.numeric(window) && window != 0){
if (inherits(x, "SpatRaster")){
x = stars::st_as_stars(x)
x_crs = sf::st_crs(x)
x_bb = sf::st_bbox(x)
x_delta_row = stars::st_dimensions(x)[[1]][["delta"]]
x_delta_col = stars::st_dimensions(x)[[2]][["delta"]]
output = lsp_create_grid(x_crs = x_crs,
x_bb = x_bb,
x_delta_row = x_delta_row,
x_delta_col = x_delta_col,
window_shift = window_shift)
output = sf::st_as_sf(output)
} else if (is.null(window)){
x_bb = sf::st_bbox(x)
x_crs = sf::st_crs(x)
output = stars::st_as_stars(x_bb, nx = 1, ny = 1, values = 1)
names(output) = "id"
output = sf::st_as_sf(output)
} else {
# names(window) = "id"
#' @name lsp_add_sf
#' @export
lsp_add_sf.lsp = function(x = NULL, window = NULL, metadata = TRUE){
metadata_attr = attr(x, "metadata")
if (metadata_attr$use_window && is.null(window)){
stop("This function requires an sf object in the window argument for irregular local landscapes.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(window)){
output_stars = lsp_create_grid(x_crs = metadata_attr$crs,
x_bb = metadata_attr$bb,
x_delta_row = metadata_attr$delta_y,
x_delta_col = metadata_attr$delta_x,
window_shift = metadata_attr$window_shift)
output_sf = sf::st_as_sf(output_stars)
} else {
output_sf = window
if (!("id" %in% colnames(output_sf))) output_sf$id = seq_len(nrow(output_sf))
output_sf = merge(x, output_sf, by = "id", all.x = TRUE)
output_sf = tibble::as_tibble(output_sf)
output_sf = sf::st_as_sf(output_sf)
if (isFALSE(metadata)){
output_sf = output_sf[, -which(names(output_sf) %in% c("id", "na_prop"))]
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