
Defines functions subsequent_zeros pollen_season_single_year pollen_season_end pollen_season_start pollen_season

Documented in pollen_season

#' A Pollen Season Function
#' This function calculates the start and the end of pollen season for each year
#' @param value pollen concentration values
#' @param date dates 
#' @param method the pollen season method - "90", "95", "98", "Mesa", "Jager", "Lejoly", or "Driessen"
#' @param threshold a threshold value used for the "Driessen" method
#' @return a data.frame object with year, date of pollen season start and date of pollen season end
#' @importFrom lubridate year is.Date
#' @importFrom purrr %>% map map_df
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange
#' @references Nilsson S. and Persson S.: 1981, Tree pollen spectra in the Stockholm region (Sweden) 1973-1980, Grana 20, 179-182.
#' @references Andersen T.B.: 1991, A model to predict the beginning of the pollen season, Grana 30, 269-275.
#' @references Torben B.A.: 1991, A model to predict the beginning of the pollen season, Grana 30, 269-275.
#' @references Galan C., Emberlin J., Dominguez E., Bryant R.H. and Villamandos F.: 1995, A comparative analysis of daily variations in the Gramineae pollen counts at Cordoba, Spain and London, UK, Grana 34, 189-198.
#' @references Sanchez-Mesa J.A., Smith M., Emberlin J., Allitt U., Caulton E. and Galan C.: 2003, Characteristics of grass pollen seasons in areas of southern Spain and the United Kingdom, Aerobiologia 19, 243-250.
#' @references Jager S., Nilsson S., Berggren B., Pessi A.M., Helander M. and Ramfjord H.: 1996, Trends of some airborne tree pollen in the Nordic countries and Austria, 1980-1993. A comparison between Stockholm, Trondheim, Turku and Vienna, Grana 35, 171-178.
#' @references Lejoly-Gabriel and Leuschner: 1983, Comparison of air-borne pollen at Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) and Basel (Switzerland) during 1979 and 1980, Grana 22, 59-64.
#' @references Driessen M. N. B. M., Van Herpen R. M. A. and Smithuis, L. O. M. J.: 1990, Prediction of the start of the grass pollen season for the southern part of the Netherlands, Grana, 29(1), 79-86.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(pollen_count)
#' df <- subset(pollen_count, site=='Oz')
#' pollen_season(value=df$birch, date=df$date, method="95")
#' df2 <- subset(pollen_count, site=='Atlantis')
#' pollen_season(value=df2$alder, date=df2$date, method="95")
#' library('purrr')
#' pollen_count %>% split(., .$site) %>%
#'                  map_df(~pollen_season(value=.$hazel, date=.$date, method="95"), .id="site")

pollen_season <- function(value, date, method, threshold=NULL) {
        df <- data.frame(value = value, date = date) %>%
                split(., year(.[["date"]])) %>%
                map(~arrange(., date)) %>%
                map(~pollen_season_single_year(., value = "value", date = "date", method = method, threshold = threshold)) %>%
        if (anyNA(df)) warning("NA values were found in the input data.", immediate. = TRUE)

pollen_season_start <- function(method, value, date, threshold=NULL) {
  if (!(is.character(method))) stop("Object method should be of class character.")
  if (!(is.numeric(value))) stop("Object value should be of class numeric.")
  if (!(is.Date(date))) stop("Object date should be of class Date")

  if (method == "90") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.05))
  } else if (method == "95") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.025))
  } else if (method == "98") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.01))
  } else if (method == "Mesa") {
    threshold <- 30
    indx <- match(TRUE, value > threshold)
  } else if (method == "Jager") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.01))
    seven_subsequent_zeros <- subsequent_zeros(value = value, indx = indx, length = 7)
    if (seven_subsequent_zeros) {
      indx <- indx + 8
      while (is_zero(value[indx])) {
        indx <- indx + 1
  } else if (method == "Lejoly") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.05))
    while (!(value[indx] > (sum(value) * 0.01))) {
      indx <- indx + 1
  } else if (method == "Driessen") {
    if (is.null(threshold)) stop("Threshold value is missing.")
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > threshold)
  } else {
    stop("There isn't a method called ", method, "!")

pollen_season_end <- function(method, value, date, threshold=NULL) {
  if (!(is.character(method))) stop("Object method should be of class character.")
  if (!(is.numeric(value))) stop("Object value should be of class numeric.")
  if (!(is.Date(date))) stop("Object data should be of class Date")

  if (method == "90" | method == "Jager") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.95))
  } else if (method == "95") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.975))
  } else if (method == "98") {
    indx <- match(TRUE, cumsum(value) > (sum(value) * 0.99))
  } else if (method == "Mesa") {
    threshold <- 30
    above_threshold <- which(value > threshold)
    len_ab_thres <- length(above_threshold)
    indx <- above_threshold[[len_ab_thres]]
  } else if (method == "Lejoly") {
    above_threshold <- which(value > (sum(value) * 0.01))
    len_ab_thres <- length(above_threshold)
    indx <- above_threshold[[len_ab_thres]]
    while (!(sum(value[indx:(indx + 2)]) >= (sum(value) * 0.03))) {
      len_ab_thres <- len_ab_thres - 1
      indx <- above_threshold[[len_ab_thres]]
  } else if (method == "Driessen") {
    indx <- NULL
  } else {
    stop("There isn't a method called: ", method)

pollen_season_single_year <- function(x, value, date, method, ...) {
  start <- pollen_season_start(method = method, x[[value]], x[[date]], ...)
  end <- pollen_season_end(method = method, x[[value]], x[[date]], ...)
  year <- unique(year(x[[date]]))
  if (length(end) > 0) {
    df <- data.frame(year = year, start = start, end = end)
  } else {
    df <- data.frame(year = year, start = start)

subsequent_zeros <- function(value, indx, length=6) {
  is_zero(value[indx + seq_len(length)]) %>% all(.)

is_zero <- function(value) {
  value == 0.0
Nowosad/pollen documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 12:51 a.m.