QSaveData: Save an object

View source: R/DataMart.R

QSaveDataR Documentation

Save an object


Saves an object to the Displayr Cloud Drive without any transformation. Filename string must have a .csv, .rds, .xlsx, pptx, gif, or .sav extension.


QSaveData(object, filename, compression.file.size.threshold = NULL, ...)



object. The object to be uploaded.


character string. Name of the file to be written to.


numeric scalar. Files of size (in bytes) larger than this value will be compressed into a zip file. Defaults to NULL, in which case no compression occurs.


Other parameters to pass to write.csv, saveRDS, write.xlsx, or write_sav.


NULL invisibly. Called for the purpose of uploading data and assumed to succeed if no errors are thrown.


Saving to Powerpoint .pptx files is only possible for rpptx objects created using the officer package.

Saving to .gif file is only supported for "gganim" objects created using gganimate.

When saving to .xlsx file, object is first coerced to a data.frame using as.data.frame.

NumbersInternational/flipAPI documentation built on July 23, 2024, 8:09 a.m.