
#' Data from the General Social Survey (2014)
#' A dataset containing a subset of the results of the 2014 General
#' Social Survey, which polls Americans on, among other things, their
#' confidence in public institutions.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{confinan} - Confidence in banks and financial institutions.
#' \item \code{conbus} - Confidence in major companies.
#' \item \code{coneduc} - Confidence in education.
#' \item \code{conlabor} - Confidence in organized labor.
#' \item \code{conmedic} - Confidence in medicine.
#' \item \code{conpress} - Confidence in the press.
#' }
#' @docType data
#' @name gss
#' @usage data(gss)
#' @format A data.frame with 3842 rows and six
#' categorical variables.  Each categorical variable has levels \code{"A GREAT DEAL"},
#' \code{"ONLY SOME"}, and \code{"HARDLY ANY"}.
#' @references \url{http://http://gss.norc.org/get-the-data/},
#'     \url{http://ssric.org/node/551}
NumbersInternational/flipCluster documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 5:34 a.m.