
#' Q's color palate (16 October 2014)
#' The colors used in the data analysis package www.q-researchsoftware.com
#' #'
#' @format A vector containing RGB colors

#' Carbonated Soft Drink Brand associations
#' A matrix displaying the proportion of people in a sample to associate various brands with various attributes
#' with different brands of carbonated soft drink (CSD).
#' #'
#' @format A matrix with 8 rows (brands) and 11 columns (attributes)

#' Breakfast Dissimilarities
#' A dataset containing the proportion of people in a sample to associate various brands with various attributes
#' with different brands
#' #'
#' @format A list containing four \code{\link[stats]{dist}} objects,
#' showing the perceived dissimilarities between 15 breafast foods
#' #' @source Roxygen James M. Lattin, J. Douglas Carroll, Paul E. Green (2003): Analyzing Multivariate Data, Thomson Brooks/Cole.

#' Cola Perceptions
#' A matrix displaying the proportion of people in a sample to associate various brands with various attributes
#' with different brands fo cola.
#' #'
#' @format A matrix with 7 rows (6 brands and a 'none of these') and 9 columns (attributes)
NumbersInternational/qrserver documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:19 p.m.