
Siane (El Sistema de Información del Atlas Nacional de España) is a project that supports technologically the publications and productions of the National Spanish Atlas(ANE). Recently, this project released CARTOSIANE, a set of maps compatible with the National Institute of Statistics georreferenced data(INE). The aim of this package is to create useful functions that plot INE's georreferenced data on Siane map's polygons.

Siane collects maps from five different scales(1:3M, 1:6.5M, 1:10M, 1:14M, 1:60M). The scope of this project covers the first two scales, i.e, 1:3M and 1:6.5M. The remaining scales represent the countries globally. We are not using those scales. This project focuses only in spanish maps.

Each set of maps is downloaded individually. The file has very detailed information about the downloading process.


This package needs SIANE_CARTO_BASE_S_3M.ZIP and SIANE_CARTO_BASE_S_6M5.ZIP files.

In this document I will describe and make use of the main functions of this package. The first step is to load the package. Uncomment the first two code lines in case you haven't installed the package yet.


Setting the path of the maps

As I already explained, Siane consists of a collection of maps. This package needs to locate the path of this collection(folder) in order to search the requested map.

obj <- register_siane("/home/ncarvalho/Descargas/")

Loading a map

Once we have located all the maps we can select one according with our data. These parameters are enough to specify a map.
- year : Maps can change over time. This numerical parameter is the year of the map we want.
- canarias : It indicates whether we want to plot Canarias or not. - level : It's the administrative level. For this set of maps there are three: "Municipios", "Provincias" and "Comunidades"
- scale : The scale of the maps. The default scale for municipalities is 1:3000000 scale <- "3m". For provinces and regions the default scale is 1:6500000 scale <- "6m".
- peninsula: It's the relative position of the Canarias island to the peninsulae.

level <- "Municipios"
canarias <- TRUE
year <- 2016
scale <- "3m"
peninsula <- "close"

Now we call the siane_map function to extract a map from all the map's collection.

shp <- siane_map(level = level, obj = obj, canarias = canarias, year = year, scale = scale, peninsula = peninsula) # Reading the map from the maps collection

Plot the map


This function also allows the user to change the position of Canarias islands through the peninsula parameter.

peninsula <- "far"

shp <- siane_map(level = level, obj = obj, canarias = canarias, year = year, scale = scale, peninsula = peninsula) # Reading the map from the maps collection

The spanish political map looks just like this. Let's try to plot some data on it. To keep following this tutorial you should download previously the data from the INE website. The file explains how to download it. I will also share the link here in case you already now how to do it.

Polygon colour plot

Data frame reading

Let's explore the dataset before plotting the data

df <-"/home/ncarvalho/Descargas/2879.px"))
names(df) # List the column names  of the data frame

Data frame filtering

First we need to understand the data frame. It's columns are the following:
- Periodo is the time column in year's format.
- value is a column with the numeric value of the population.
- Sexo is the sex of that population.
- Municipios is a character array with the municipality name and the municipality code In this dataset there is only one value per territory.

Split the Municipios column to get the municipality's codes.
We are storing these codes in the column codes. This column is really important in order to plot the polygons with the corresponding colour colours.

Data frame preparation

by <- "codes"

We create a single column in the data frame with those codes.

df[[by]] <- sapply(df$Municipios,
                   function(x) strsplit(x = as.character(x), split = " ")[[1]][1])
df$Periodo <- as.numeric(as.character(df$Periodo)) # Convert factor to numeric

Plotting polygons by colour intensity requires one unique value per territory. Therefore, we have to filter the data frame.
Remember: One value per territory.
In this example I want to plot the total population in the year 2016.

df <- df[df$Sex == "Total" & df$Periodo == year, ]

The siane_merge function assigns each polygon a value. Those values are stored in a column of shp_merged@data which name can be chosen by the user changing the value variable.

by <- "codes" # name for the codes column
value <- "value" # name for the values column

shp_merged <- siane_merge(shp = shp, df = df,by = by, level = level, value = value)

We can plot the map with the statistical data with the plot function. The RColorBrewer package provides lots of colour scales. We can use this colour scales to visualize data over the map. The following function displays all the colour scales from that package.


Match each number with its corresponding interval to be able to decide its colour.

col <- colors[findInterval(values_ine, my_pallete,
                           all.inside=TRUE)] # Setting the final colors

In case we want to plot the population of certain municipalities in a province, we must use a sequential pallete.

pallete_colour <- "OrRd" # Scale of oranges and reds

Let's say that n is the number of colour intervals.

n <- 5

The brewer.pal function builds a pallete with n intervals and the pallete_colour colour.

values_ine <- shp_merged@data[[value]] # Values we want to plot are stored in the shape@data data frame
colors <- brewer.pal(n, pallete_colour) # A pallete from RColorBrewer 

The style is the distribution of the colour within data. The classIntervals function generates numerical intervals. The upper and lower limits of these intervals are named breaks.

style <- "quantile" 
brks <- classIntervals(values_ine, n = n, style = style)
my_pallete <- brks$brks # my pallete contains the breaks

Plot the map and set title and legends.

raster::plot(shp_merged,col = col) # Plot the map
title_plot <- "Población total por municipios en La Rioja"

title(main = title_plot)
legend(legend = leglabs(round(my_pallete)), fill = colors,x = "bottomright")

Other examples

Let's try to plot data at a different administrative level. The next dataset collects the spanish population for all the provinces in a specific range of years. You can find the link in the README.MD file as well. Link here

The process is almost the same as the previous one.

df <-"/home/ncarvalho/Descargas/2852.px"))
names(df) # List the column names  of the data frame
df[[by]] <- sapply(df$Provincias,
                   function(x) strsplit(x = as.character(x), split = " ")[[1]][1])
df$Periodo <- as.numeric(as.character(df$Periodo))
df <- df[df$Sex == "Total" & df$Periodo == year,]

Remember that first we have to create the shapefile. We can't use the previous shapefile provided that the level is not the same.

level <- "Provincias"
canarias <- FALSE
year <- 2016
scale <- "6m"

Generate the map again.

shp <- siane_map(obj = obj, canarias = canarias, year = year, level = level, scale = scale)
value <- "value"
by <- "codes"
shp_merged <- siane_merge(shp = shp, df = df, by = by, level = level, value = value)

Plot the map.

pallete_colour <- "BuPu"
n <- 7
style <- "kmeans"

values_ine <- shp_merged@data[[value]] # Values we want to plot are stored in the shape@data data frame
colors <- brewer.pal(n, pallete_colour) # A pallete from RColorBrewer 

brks <- classIntervals(values_ine, n = n, style = style)
my_pallete <- brks$brks

col <- colors[findInterval(values_ine, my_pallete,
                           all.inside=TRUE)] # Setting the final colors

raster::plot(shp_merged,col = col) # Plot the map

title_plot <- "Población de España a nivel de provincias"

title(main = title_plot)
legend(legend = leglabs(round(my_pallete)), fill = colors,x = "bottomright")

Combining Siane with other libraries

Please download this data link. This dataset contains the number of inhabitants of Barcelona's municipalities per five year age groups. We are now trying to combine leaflet library with Siane to make a higher quality visualization. In this visualization I will plot the percentage of girls whose ages are in the range of 0-4 years.


Reading the map

shp <- siane_map(obj = obj, canarias = FALSE, year = 2016,level = "Municipios" ,scale = "3m")

Reading the data

df <-"/home/ncarvalho/Descargas/00008001.px"))
df <-

Calculating the sum of the inhabitants of all ages per sex.

df_sum <- df[, sum(value),by = c("Municipios", "Sexo") ]

Calculating the percentage of each group of age per municipality and gender

df_withsums <- merge(df, df_sum, by = c("Municipios","Sexo"))
df_withsums$perc <- df_withsums$value/df_withsums$V1*100

Filtering the data: Women with 0-4 years old.

df_withsums <- df_withsums[df_withsums$Sexo=="Mujeres"&

Extracting the territory code for all the municipalities

by <- "codes"
value <- "perc"

df_withsums[[by]] <- sapply(df_withsums$Municipios,
                   function(x) strsplit(x = as.character(x), split = " ")[[1]][1])

Merging spatial data and statistical data.

shp_merged <- siane_merge(shp = shp, df = df_withsums, by = by,value = value, level = "Municipios")

Plot the data

pal <- colorNumeric(palette = "YlOrRd", domain = shp_merged@data$perc)

leaflet(shp_merged) %>%  # 
  addTiles() %>%    # Add the world map 
  addPolygons(color = "#444444", weight = 1, smoothFactor = 0.5,  # options
    opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0.5, # options
    fillColor = ~colorQuantile("YlOrRd", perc)(perc), # Choose the scale, Choose the column to plot
    highlightOptions = highlightOptions(color = "white", weight = 2, # options
      bringToFront = TRUE)) %>%# options

  addLegend("bottomright", pal = pal, values = shp_merged$perc , title = "Porcentaje de mujeres con 0-4 anyos", opacity = 1)

This leaflet documentation is available here

Nuniemsis/Siane documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:20 p.m.