
Defines functions loadExposureOutcomeNestingCohortList saveExposureOutcomeNestingCohortList createExposureOutcomeNestingCohort loadCcrAnalysisList saveCcrAnalysisList createCcrAnalysis

Documented in createCcrAnalysis createExposureOutcomeNestingCohort loadCcrAnalysisList loadExposureOutcomeNestingCohortList saveCcrAnalysisList saveExposureOutcomeNestingCohortList

# Copyright 2020 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of CaseCrossover
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Create a case-crossover analysis specification
#' @details
#' Create a set of analysis choices, to be used with the \code{\link{runCcrAnalyses}} function.
#' @param analysisId                  An integer that will be used later to refer to this specific set
#'                                    of analysis choices.
#' @param description                 A short description of the analysis.
#' @param exposureType                If more than one exposure is provided for each
#'                                    exposureOutcomeNestingCohort, this field should be used to select
#'                                    the specific exposure to use in this analysis.
#' @param outcomeType                 If more than one outcome is provided for each
#'                                    exposureOutcomeNestingCohort, this field should be used to select
#'                                    the specific outcome to use in this analysis.
#' @param nestingCohortType           If more than one nesting cohort is provided for each
#'                                    exposureOutcomeNestingCohort, this field should be used to select
#'                                    the specific nesting cohort to use in this analysis.
#' @param getDbCaseCrossoverDataArgs           An object representing the arguments to be used when calling the
#'                                    \code{\link{createGetDbCaseCrossoverDataArgs}} function.
#' @param selectSubjectsToIncludeArgs          An object representing the arguments to be used when calling the
#'                                    \code{\link{selectSubjectsToInclude}} function.
#' @param getExposureStatusArgs   An object representing the arguments to be used when calling the
#'                                    \code{\link{getExposureStatus}} function.
#' @export
createCcrAnalysis <- function(analysisId = 1,
                             description = "",
                             exposureType = NULL,
                             outcomeType = NULL,
                             nestingCohortType = NULL,
                             getExposureStatusArgs) {
  if (!is.null(selectSubjectsToIncludeArgs$matchingCriteria) && !getDbCaseCrossoverDataArgs$getTimeControlData)
    stop("Requested matching controls, but getTimeControlData argument for getDbCaseCrossoverDataArgs is FALSE")
  if (!is.null(selectSubjectsToIncludeArgs$matchingCriteria) && selectSubjectsToIncludeArgs$matchingCriteria$matchOnVisitDate && !getDbCaseCrossoverDataArgs$getVisits)
    stop("Requested matching on visits, but getVisits argument for getDbCaseCrossoverDataArgs is FALSE")

  # First: get the default values:
  analysis <- list()
  for (name in names(formals(createCcrAnalysis))) {
    analysis[[name]] <- get(name)

  # Next: overwrite defaults with actual values if specified:
  values <- lapply(as.list(match.call())[-1], function(x) eval(x, envir = sys.frame(-3)))
  for (name in names(values)) {
    if (name %in% names(analysis)) {
      analysis[[name]] <- values[[name]]

  class(analysis) <- "ccrAnalysis"

#' Save a list of ccrAnalysis to file
#' @description
#' Write a list of objects of type \code{ccrAnalysis} to file. The file is in JSON format.
#' @param ccrAnalysisList   The ccArnalysis list to be written to file
#' @param file              The name of the file where the results will be written
#' @export
saveCcrAnalysisList <- function(ccrAnalysisList, file) {
  stopifnot(length(ccrAnalysisList) > 0)
  for (i in 1:length(ccrAnalysisList)) {
    stopifnot(class(ccrAnalysisList[[i]]) == "ccrAnalysis")
  ParallelLogger::saveSettingsToJson(ccrAnalysisList, file)

#' Load a list of ccrAnalysis from file
#' @description
#' Load a list of objects of type \code{ccrAnalysis} from file. The file is in JSON format.
#' @param file   The name of the file
#' @return
#' A list of objects of type \code{ccrAnalysis}.
#' @export
loadCcrAnalysisList <- function(file) {

#' Create exposure-outcome-nesting-cohort combinations.
#' @details
#' Create a set of hypotheses of interest, to be used with the \code{\link{runCcrAnalyses}} function.
#' @param exposureId        A concept ID identifying the target drug in the exposure table. If
#'                          multiple strategies for picking the exposure will be tested in the
#'                          analysis, a named list of numbers can be provided instead. In the analysis,
#'                          the name of the number to be used can be specified using the
#'                          \code{exposureType} parameter in the \code{\link{createCcrAnalysis}}
#'                          function.
#' @param outcomeId         A concept ID identifying the outcome in the outcome table. If multiple
#'                          strategies for picking the outcome will be tested in the analysis, a named
#'                          list of numbers can be provided instead. In the analysis, the name of the
#'                          number to be used can be specified using the \code{outcomeType} parameter
#'                          in the \code{\link{createCcrAnalysis}} function.
#' @param nestingCohortId   A concept ID identifying the nesting cohort in the nesting cohort table.
#'                          If multiple strategies for picking the nesting cohort will be tested in the
#'                          analysis, a named list of numbers can be provided instead. In the analysis,
#'                          the name of the number to be used can be specified using the
#'                          \code{nestingCohortType} parameter in the \code{\link{createCcrAnalysis}}
#'                          function.
#' @export
createExposureOutcomeNestingCohort <- function(exposureId, outcomeId, nestingCohortId = NULL) {
  # First: get the default values:
  exposureOutcomeNestingCohort <- list()
  for (name in names(formals(createExposureOutcomeNestingCohort))) {
    exposureOutcomeNestingCohort[[name]] <- get(name)

  # Next: overwrite defaults with actual values if specified:
  values <- lapply(as.list(match.call())[-1], function(x) eval(x, envir = sys.frame(-3)))
  for (name in names(values)) {
    if (name %in% names(exposureOutcomeNestingCohort)) {
      exposureOutcomeNestingCohort[[name]] <- values[[name]]
  class(exposureOutcomeNestingCohort) <- "exposureOutcomeNestingCohort"

#' Save a list of drugComparatorOutcome to file
#' @description
#' Write a list of objects of type \code{exposureOutcomeNestingCohort} to file. The file is in JSON
#' format.
#' @param exposureOutcomeNestingCohortList   The exposureOutcomeNestingCohort list to be written to
#'                                           file
#' @param file                               The name of the file where the results will be written
#' @export
saveExposureOutcomeNestingCohortList <- function(exposureOutcomeNestingCohortList, file) {
  stopifnot(length(exposureOutcomeNestingCohortList) > 0)
  for (i in 1:length(exposureOutcomeNestingCohortList)) {
    stopifnot(class(exposureOutcomeNestingCohortList[[i]]) == "exposureOutcomeNestingCohort")
  ParallelLogger::saveSettingsToJson(exposureOutcomeNestingCohortList, file)

#' Load a list of exposureOutcomeNestingCohort from file
#' @description
#' Load a list of objects of type \code{exposureOutcomeNestingCohort} from file. The file is in JSON
#' format.
#' @param file   The name of the file
#' @return
#' A list of objects of type \code{drugComparatorOutcome}.
#' @export
loadExposureOutcomeNestingCohortList <- function(file) {
OHDSI/CaseCrossover documentation built on Nov. 21, 2020, 7:03 a.m.