
Defines functions getSlopeAngleSize

Documented in getSlopeAngleSize

#'@title Compute and return the degree measure of the angle of the slope of the time series.
#'@description The time series is fitted with a linear model and the degree measure of the angle of the slope is returned.
#'@usage  angleMagnitude <- getSlopeAngleSize(tsData)
#'@param tsData A time series object.
#'@return A numeric value representing the degree measure of the angle of the slope of the time series.

getSlopeAngleSize <- function(tsData)

    tsObj    <- tsData
	tsObj.lm <- lm(tsObj ~ time(tsObj))

	degreeAngleMeasure <- as.numeric(atan(tsObj.lm$coefficients[2])*(180/pi))
	return (degreeAngleMeasure)

OHDSI/Castor documentation built on March 20, 2021, 6:09 p.m.