#'@title Return the change points of the trend for the given time series
#'@description Change points are transition points that optionally exceed a certain magnitude and/or
#' continue in a certain direction for a specified length of time.
#'@details Transition points are defined as indices at which the time series changes direction.
#' We can think of the trend of a univariate time series as analogous to a smooth function
#' \eqn{f(t)} defined over a given interval of real numbers, \eqn{[a,b]}. We know that
#' for \eqn{t in [a,b]}, \eqn{f} is increasing on \eqn{[a,b]} if \eqn{f'(t) > 0},
#' \eqn{f} is decreasing on \eqn{[a,b]} if \eqn{f'(t) < 0} and
#' \eqn{f} is constant on \eqn{[a,b]} if \eqn{f'(t) = 0}.
#' Similarly, we can examine the sign of the difference of a time series at two subsequent
#' points in time, to determine if the time series is increasing, decreasing, or constant from one
#' point in time to the next.
#' Additionally, if we think of the time series as moving through space, a geometric interpretation
#' would allow us to treat the time series as a vector with a direction (increasing, decreasing, or constant)
#' and magnitude (the percent change of the time series from one period of time to the next). This perspective
#' allows one to adapt what is considered a change point. Thus, a change point can merely be a transition point,
#' or it can be a transition point whose percent change from the previous value exceeds some threshold,
#' or it can be a transition point that causes the time series to continue in the new direction for a
#' specified period of time.
#'@usage tsData.cp <- getTrendChangePoints(tsData, minPctChange, nPeriods)
#'@param tsData A time series object.
#'@param minPctChange The optional lower bound a magnitude must exceed
#'@param nPeriods An optional number of periods the transition must continue into the future
#'@return A vector of integers corresponding to indices of change points in the given time series trend
getTrendChangePoints <- function(tsData, minPctChange = NULL, nPeriods = NULL)
# Search neighborhood for points that:
# i) Transition
# ii) Optionally greater than some threshold minPctChange
# iii) Optionally continue in the new direction for nPeriods
nHood <- getNeighborhoodDf(getTrend(tsData))
# If neither magnitude of change nor the length of the new direction
# are specified, the change points are merely the transition points
nHood.cp <- which(nHood$IS_TP)
# If a magnitude is specified, transition points must exceed a minimum percent change
# to be considered a change point
if (!is.null(minPctChange))
nHood.cp <- which(nHood$IS_TP & nHood$PCT_CHANGE > minPctChange)
# If nPeriods is given, each transition point must continue in the new
# direction for nPeriods
if (!is.null(nPeriods)) {
cp <- integer()
for (k in nHood.cp)
if (length(unique(nHood$DIFF_SIGN[k:(k+nPeriods)])) == 1)
cp[length(cp)+1] <- k
nHood.cp <- cp
return (nHood.cp)
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