  cache = FALSE,
  comment = "#>",
  error = FALSE,
  tidy = FALSE


There are currently two approaches to run Cohort Diagnostics. - Embed in an OHDSI study package, where all the cohort definitions are stored as part of that study package, or - WebAPi mode - where cohort diagnostics dynamically pulls the cohort definition from a webapi instance. WebAPI is the backend of the OHDSI ATLAS application, allowing programmatic access to the cohort definitions created in ATLAS.

This vignette describes how to create a self contained shareable study package that can execute cohort diagnostics on a given set of cohort definitions. This is the recommended mode to run CohortDiagnostics for a study.

In this vignette, you will learn how to - use the Cohort Diagnostics template package - Hydrate the template package with the cohort definitions you want to diagnose. - Execute the diagnostics on one or more data sources. - Review the result set using the Diagnostics Explorer R shiny app of Cohort Diagnostics - (optional) Submit the results of your cohort diagnostics to the OHDSI Phenotype library.


Creating the study package

The cohorts to diagnose should have two attributes to them.


| id | cohortName | | -----------:|:-------------- | 17561|[PL 4112853001] Malignant tumor of breast referent concept incident cohort: First occurrence of referent concept + descendants with >=365d prior observation|

option A: Using Hydra and ROhdsiWebApi

Note: this option is required Hydra 0.3, as of writing this document that version of Hydra is in develop branch.

The skeleton cohort diagnostics study package is here. A skeleton package is a special package that is designed to be used with Hydra. The input for Hydra is study a specifications file (in json format). Example is here.

# please ensure you have the latest version of Hydra. As of 08/13/2021 - CohortDiagnostics support for Hydra is still in develop branch.
# please check hydra release notes and update hydra
remotes::install_github("OHDSI/Hydra", ref = "develop")
outputFolder <- "d:/temp/output" # location where you study package will be created

########## Please populate the information below #####################
version <- "v0.1.0"
name <- "Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia Syndrome cohorts - an OHDSI network study"
packageName <- "ThrombosisWithThrombocytopeniaSyndrome"
skeletonVersion <- "v0.0.1"
createdBy <- ""
createdDate <- Sys.Date() # default
modifiedBy <- ""
modifiedDate <- Sys.Date()
skeletonType <- "CohortDiagnosticsStudy"
organizationName <- "OHDSI"
description <- "Cohort diagnostics on Thrombosis With Thrombocytopenia Syndrome cohorts."

# Set up
baseUrl <- Sys.getenv("baseUrl")
# if you have security enabled, please authorize the use - example below
# ROhdsiWebApi::authorizeWebApi(baseUrl, 'windows')
cohortIds <- c(

################# end of user input ##############
webApiCohorts <- ROhdsiWebApi::getCohortDefinitionsMetaData(baseUrl = baseUrl)
studyCohorts <- webApiCohorts %>%
  dplyr::filter(.data$id %in% cohortIds)

# compile them into a data table
cohortDefinitionsArray <- list()
for (i in (1:nrow(studyCohorts))) {
  cohortDefinition <-
      cohortId = studyCohorts$id[[i]],
      baseUrl = baseUrl
  cohortDefinitionsArray[[i]] <- list(
    id = studyCohorts$id[[i]],
    createdDate = studyCohorts$createdDate[[i]],
    modifiedDate = studyCohorts$createdDate[[i]],
    logicDescription = studyCohorts$description[[i]],
    name = stringr::str_trim(stringr::str_squish(cohortDefinition$name)),
    expression = cohortDefinition$expression

tempFolder <- tempdir()
unlink(x = tempFolder, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
dir.create(path = tempFolder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

specifications <- list(
  id = 1,
  version = version,
  name = name,
  packageName = packageName,
  skeletonVersion = skeletonVersion,
  createdBy = createdBy,
  createdDate = createdDate,
  modifiedBy = modifiedBy,
  modifiedDate = modifiedDate,
  skeletonType = skeletonType,
  organizationName = organizationName,
  description = description,
  cohortDefinitions = cohortDefinitionsArray

jsonFileName <- paste0(file.path(tempFolder, "CohortDiagnosticsSpecs.json"))
write(x = specifications %>% RJSONIO::toJSON(pretty = TRUE, digits = 23), file = jsonFileName)

#######       Get skeleton from github            ############
#######       Uncomment if you want to use latest ############
#######       skeleton only - for advanced user   ############
#### get the skeleton from github
# download.file(url = "",
#                          destfile = file.path(tempFolder, ''))
# unzip(zipfile =  file.path(tempFolder, ''),
#       overwrite = TRUE,
#       exdir = file.path(tempFolder, "skeleton")
#         )
# fileList <- list.files(path = file.path(tempFolder, "skeleton"), full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE)
# DatabaseConnector::createZipFile(zipFile = file.path(tempFolder, ''),
#                                  files = fileList,
#                                  rootFolder = list.dirs(file.path(tempFolder, 'skeleton'), recursive = FALSE))

#######               Build package              #############

#### Code that uses the ExampleCohortDiagnosticsSpecs in Hydra to build package
hydraSpecificationFromFile <- Hydra::loadSpecifications(fileName = jsonFileName)
unlink(x = outputFolder, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(path = outputFolder, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  specifications = hydraSpecificationFromFile,
  outputFolder = outputFolder

# for advanced user using skeletons outside of Hydra
# Hydra::hydrate(specifications = hydraSpecificationFromFile,
#                outputFolder = outputFolder,
#                skeletonFileName = file.path(tempFolder, '')
# )

unlink(x = tempFolder, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)

OHDSI/CohortDiagnostics documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 5:46 a.m.