
The Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) was a public-private partnership established to inform the appropriate use of observational healthcare databases for studying the effects of medical products. Over the course of the 5-year project and through its community of researchers from industry, government, and academia, OMOP successfully achieved its aims to:

The results of OMOP's research has been widely published and presented at scientific conferences, including annual symposia.

The OMOP Legacy continues...

The community is actively using the OMOP Common Data Model for their various research purposes. Those tools will continue to be maintained and supported, and information about this work is available in the public domain.

The OMOP Common Data Model will continue to be an open-source community standard for observational healthcare data. The model specifications and associated work products will be placed in the public domain, and the entire research community is encouraged to use these tools to support everybody's own research activities.

The Role of the Common Data Model

No single observational data source provides a comprehensive view of the clinical data a patient accumulates while receiving healthcare, and therefore none can be sufficient to meet all expected outcome analysis needs. This explains the need for assessing and analyzing multiple data sources concurrently using a common data standard. This standard is provided by the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM).

The CDM is designed to support the conduct of research to identify and evaluate associations between interventions (drug exposure, procedures, healthcare policy changes etc.) and outcomes caused by these interventions (condition occurrences, procedures, drug exposure etc.). Outcomes can be efficacious (benefit) or adverse (safety risk). Often times, specific patient cohorts (e.g., those taking a certain drug or suffering from a certain disease) may be defined for treatments or outcomes, using clinical events (diagnoses, observations, procedures, etc.) that occur in predefined temporal relationships to each other. The CDM, combined with its standardized content (via the Standardized Vocabularies), will ensure that research methods can be systematically applied to produce meaningfully comparable and reproducible results.

Design Principles

The CDM is designed to include all observational health data elements (experiences of the patient receiving health care) that are relevant for analytic use cases to support the generation of reliable scientific evidence about disease natural history, healthcare delivery, effects of medical interventions, the identification of demographic information, health care interventions and outcomes.

Therefore, the CDM is designed to store observational data to allow for research, under the following principles:

OHDSI/DDLgeneratr documentation built on March 10, 2021, 1:44 a.m.