#todo figure out how to get the document dynamically without specifying the name


Below is the specification document for the OMOP Common Data Model, v6.0. Each table is represented with a high-level description and ETL conventions that should be followed. This is continued with a discussion of each field in each table, any conventions related to the field, and constraints that should be followed (like primary key, foreign key, etc). Should you have questions please feel free to visit the forums or the github issue page.

--after regeneration of DDLs link to csv of cdm link to pdf of cdm documentation link to forum on doc page

Changes in v6.0

tableSpecs <- read.csv("../inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv6.0_Table_Level.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cdmSpecs <- read.csv("../inst/csv/OMOP_CDMv6.0_Field_Level.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

tables <- tableSpecs$cdmTableName

cdmSpecsClean <- cdmSpecs %>%
  dplyr::select(`CDM Table` = cdmTableName,
                `CDM Field` = cdmFieldName,
                `User Guide` = userGuidance,
                `ETL Conventions` = etlConventions,
                `Datatype` = cdmDatatype,
                `Required` = isRequired,
                `Primary Key` = isPrimaryKey,
                `Foreign Key` = isForeignKey,
                `FK Table` = fkTableName,
                `FK Domain` = fkDomain

cdmSpecsClean[is.na(cdmSpecsClean)] <- ""

for(tb in tables) {

  if(tb == 'PERSON'){
    cat("## **Clinical Data Tables**\n\n")

  if(tb == 'LOCATION'){
    cat("## **Health System Data Tables**\n\n")

  if(tb == 'PAYER_PLAN_PERIOD'){
    cat("## **Health Economics Data Tables**\n\n")

  if(tb == 'DRUG_ERA'){
    cat("## **Standardized Derived Elements**\n\n")

  if(tb == 'METADATA'){
    cat("## **Metadata Tables**\n\n")
  if(tb == 'CONCEPT'){
    cat("## **Vocabulary Tables**\n\n")

  cat("###", tb, "{.tabset .tabset-pills} \n\n")

  tableInfo <- subset(tableSpecs, cdmTableName == tb)
  cat("**Table Description**\n\n",tableInfo[,"tableDescription"], "\n\n")

    cat("**User Guide**\n\n",tableInfo[,"userGuidance"],"\n\n")

    cat("**ETL Conventions**\n\n",tableInfo[,"etlConventions"],"\n\n")

  loopTable <- subset(cdmSpecsClean, `CDM Table` == tb)
  loopTable <- subset(loopTable, select = -c(1))

  print(kable(x = loopTable, align = "l", row.names = FALSE, format = "html") %>% 
           column_spec(1, bold = T) %>%
           column_spec(2, width = "3in", include_thead = T) %>%
           column_spec(3, width = "4in", include_thead = T) %>%
           column_spec(4:9, width = "1in", include_thead = T) %>%
           kable_styling(c("condensed","hover"), position = "center", full_width = T, font_size = 13)) 


OHDSI/DDLgeneratr documentation built on March 10, 2021, 1:44 a.m.