Man pages for OHDSI/Legend
Large-Scale Evidence Generation and Evaluation in a Network of Databases

assessPhenotypesAssess propensity models
assessPropensityModelsAssess propensity models
computeCovariateBalanceCompute covariate balance for each comparison
computeIncidenceCompute incidence
createAnalysesDetailsCreate the analyses details
createExposureCohortsCreate the exposure cohorts
createIndicesOnDatabaseCreate indices in the LEGEND result database
createOutcomeCohortsCreate the outcome cohorts
createPriorExposureCovariateSettingsCreate settings for adding prior exposures as covariates
createSubgroupCovariateSettingsCreate settings for adding subgroup markers as covariates
doMetaAnalysisCreate figures and tables for report
executeExecute OHDSI LEGEND study
exportResultsExport all results to tables
fetchAllDataFromServerFetch all data on the cohorts for analysis
fetchChronographDataFetch data for constructing chronographs from the server
filterByExposureCohortsSizeFilter exposure pairs by size of the cohorts
generateAllCohortMethodDataObjectsConstruct all cohortMethodData object
getDbPriorExposuresCovariateDataCreate covariates on prior exposures.
getDbSubgroupCovariateDataConstruct subgroup covariates
runCohortMethodRun the cohort method package
synthesizePositiveControlsInject outcomes on top of negative controls
unstageDbDrop the old tables, and remove _staging postfix from staging...
uploadResultsToDatabaseUpload results to the database server
OHDSI/Legend documentation built on Dec. 29, 2020, 3:52 a.m.