

# The code below is taken verbatim (with permission) from the SCCS package by
# Yonas Ghebremichael-Weldeselassie, Heather Whitaker, and Paddy Farrington.

### Functions used to calculate the weights to be used as offset in the new model ###

#       Weight function for Exponential- Weibull (Age)   #
#                    mixture Model                       #

# p<-p_ewad2

wsmall_ewad2 <- function(t, p, present, astart, aend, Dmatrix) {
  thetaA <- p[which.max(Dmatrix)]
  thetaB <- p[(length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[2 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(astart))
  eta <- p[3 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[4 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * t
  gamma0 <- p[5 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[6 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(astart))

  lamA <- (exp(-thetaA)) # 1/rho in the paper
  lamB <- (exp(-thetaB)) # 1/mu
  pi0 <- (exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta))) # pi
  nu0 <- (exp(gamma0)) # nu

  val <- ((1 - present) * log(pi0 * lamA * exp(-lamA * (aend - t)) +
    (1 - pi0) * nu0 * lamB * ((aend * lamB)^(nu0 - 1)) * exp(-((aend * lamB)^nu0 - (t * lamB)^nu0))) +
    present * log(pi0 * exp(-lamA * (aend - t)) +
      (1 - pi0) * exp(-((aend * lamB)^nu0 - (t * lamB)^nu0))))
  # print(paste(t, exp(val)))

#       Weight function for Exponential- Weibull (Interval)    #
#                    mixture Model                             #

# p<-p_ewid2

wsmall_ewid2 <- function(t, p, present, aend, Dmatrix) {
  thetaA <- p[which.max(Dmatrix)]
  thetaB <- p[(length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[2 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(t))
  eta <- p[3 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[4 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * t
  gamma0 <- p[5 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[6 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(t))

  lamA <- exp(-thetaA) # 1/rho in the paper
  lamB <- exp(-thetaB) # 1/mu
  pi0 <- exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta)) # pi
  nu0 <- exp(gamma0) # nu

  int <- aend - t

  val <- ((1 - present) * log(pi0 * lamA * exp(-lamA * int) +
    (1 - pi0) * nu0 * lamB * ((int * lamB)^(nu0 - 1)) * exp(-((int * lamB)^nu0))) +

    present * log(pi0 * exp(-lamA * int) +
      (1 - pi0) * exp(-((int * lamB)^nu0))))


#       Weight function for Exponential- Gamma (Age)     #
#                    mixture Model                       #

# p<-p_egad2

wsmall_egad2 <- function(t, p, present, astart, aend, Dmatrix) {
  thetaA <- p[which.max(Dmatrix)]
  thetaB <- p[(length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[2 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(astart))
  eta <- p[3 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[4 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * t
  gamma0 <- p[5 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[6 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(astart))

  lamA <- exp(-thetaA) # 1/rho in the paper
  lamB <- exp(-thetaB) # 1/mu
  pi0 <- exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta)) # pi
  nu0 <- exp(gamma0) # nu

  rate0 <- nu0 * lamB

  # val<- ((1-present)*log(pi0*lamA*exp(-lamA*(aend-t))+
  #                 (1-pi0)*dgamma(aend,shape=nu0,rate=rate0)/pgamma(t,shape=nu0,rate=rate0,lower.tail=F)) +
  #                    present*log(pi0*exp(-lamA*(aend-t))+
  #                 (1-pi0)*pgamma(aend,shape=nu0,rate=rate0,lower.tail=F)/pgamma(t,shape=nu0,rate=rate0,lower.tail=F)))

  val <- ((1 - present) * log(pi0 * lamA * exp(-lamA * (aend - t)) +
    (1 - pi0) * dgamma(aend, shape = nu0, rate = rate0) / ifelse(pgamma(t, shape = nu0, rate = rate0, lower.tail = F) == 0, 0.000000001, pgamma(t, shape = nu0, rate = rate0, lower.tail = F))) +
    present * log(pi0 * exp(-lamA * (aend - t)) +
      (1 - pi0) * pgamma(aend, shape = nu0, rate = rate0, lower.tail = F) / ifelse(pgamma(t, shape = nu0, rate = rate0, lower.tail = F) == 0, 0.000000001, pgamma(t, shape = nu0, rate = rate0, lower.tail = F))))


#       Weight function for Exponential- Gamma (Interval)#
#                    mixture Model                       #

# p<-p_egid2

wsmall_egid2 <- function(t, p, present, astart, aend, Dmatrix) {
  thetaA <- p[which.max(Dmatrix)]
  thetaB <- p[(length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[2 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(t))
  eta <- p[3 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[4 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * t
  gamma0 <- p[5 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] + p[6 * (length(Dmatrix)) + (which.max(Dmatrix))] * (log(t))

  lamA <- exp(-thetaA) # 1/rho in the paper
  lamB <- exp(-thetaB) # 1/mu
  pi0 <- exp(eta) / (1 + exp(eta)) # pi
  nu0 <- exp(gamma0) # nu

  rate0 <- nu0 * lamB

  int <- aend - t

  val <- ((1 - present) * log(pi0 * lamA * exp(-lamA * int) +
    (1 - pi0) * dgamma(int, shape = nu0, rate = rate0)) +
    present * log(pi0 * exp(-lamA * int) +
      (1 - pi0) * pgamma(int, shape = nu0, rate = rate0, lower.tail = F)))

test_that("Weight functions match those in SCCS package", {
  p <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1)
  present <- 1
  astart <- 1
  aend <- 10
  start <- 1
  end <- 2
  Dmatrix <- c(1)

  w1 <- SelfControlledCaseSeries:::testEwad(p, present, astart, aend, start, end)
  w2 <- integrate(wsmall_ewad2, lower = start, upper = end, p = p, present = present, astart = astart, aend = aend, Dmatrix = Dmatrix)$value
  expect_equal(w1, w2, tolerance = 1E-6)

  w1 <- SelfControlledCaseSeries:::testEwid(p, present, astart, aend, start, end)
  w2 <- integrate(wsmall_ewid2, lower = start, upper = end, p = p, present = present, aend = aend, Dmatrix = Dmatrix)$value
  expect_equal(w1, w2, tolerance = 1E-6)

  w1 <- SelfControlledCaseSeries:::testEgad(p, present, astart, aend, start, end)
  w2 <- integrate(wsmall_egad2, lower = start, upper = end, p = p, present = present, astart = astart, aend = aend, Dmatrix = Dmatrix)$value
  expect_equal(w1, w2, tolerance = 1E-6)

  w1 <- SelfControlledCaseSeries:::testEgid(p, present, astart, aend, start, end)
  w2 <- integrate(wsmall_egid2, lower = start, upper = end, p = p, present = present, aend = aend, Dmatrix = Dmatrix)$value
  expect_equal(w1, w2, tolerance = 1E-6)
OHDSI/SelfControlledCaseSeries documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 7:30 p.m.