
## map configuration
map_lat <- <%=shp_ctr['y']%>; map_lon <- <%=shp_ctr['x']%>; map_zoom <- <%=shp_zoom%>

## dimension descriptions for communication
index_description = 'The overall Index represents the weighted average of all goal scores.'
dimension_descriptions = c('score' = 'This dimension is an average of the current status and likely future.',
                           'status' = 'This dimension represents the current value of a goal or sub-goal relative to its reference point.',
                           'future' = 'For this dimension, the likely future is calculated as the projected status in 5 years, informed by the current status, continued trend, inflected upwards by resilience and downwards by pressures.',
                           'trend' = 'This dimension represents the recent change in the value of the status. Unlike all other dimensions which range in value from 0 to 100, the trend ranges from -1 to 1, representing the steepest declines to increases respectively.',
                           'pressures' = 'This dimension represents the anthropogenic stressors that negatively affect the ability of a goal to be delivered to people. Pressures can affect either ecological or social (i.e. human) systems.',
                           'resilience' = 'This dimension represents the social, institutional, and ecological factors that positively affect the ability of a goal to be delivered to people.')
OHI-Science/ohirepos documentation built on June 1, 2024, 12:21 p.m.