
##' Return Chinese stop words.
##' @title Return Chinese stop words.
##' @param stopwords A character vector of stop words.
##' @param useStopDic Whether to use the default stop words.
##' @return A vector of stop words.
##' @author Jian Li <\email{rweibo@@sina.com}>

stopwordsCN <- function(stopwords = NULL, useStopDic = TRUE)
	stopwords <- .verifyChar(stopwords)
	if (identical(useStopDic, TRUE)) {
		stopwords <- union(stopwords, 
				readLines(system.file("dic", "stopwords.txt", package = "tmcn"), encoding = "UTF-8"))
OOmegaPPanDDa/tmcn documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:55 p.m.