##' Convert a chinese text to pinyin format.
##' @title Convert a chinese text to pinyin format.
##' @param string A character vector.
##' @param capitalize Whether to capitalize the first letter of each word.
##' @return A character vector in pinyin format.
##' @author Jian Li <\email{rweibo@@sina.com}>
##' @keywords string
##' @examples \dontrun{
##' toPinyin("the quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog")
##' }
toPinyin <- function(string, capitalize = FALSE) {
string <- .verifyChar(string)
if (!exists(".pinyinEnv", env = .tmcnEnv)) {
curEnv <- environment()
data(GBK, envir = curEnv)
assign(".pinyinEnv", createHashmapEnv(GBK$GBK, GBK$py0), envir = .tmcnEnv)
OUT <- strsplit(string, split = "")
OUT <- lapply(OUT, FUN = function(X)
sapply(X, FUN = function(Y) {
res <- Y
try(res <- as.character(get(Y, envir = get(".pinyinEnv", env = .tmcnEnv))), silent = TRUE)
if (capitalize) OUT <- lapply(OUT, strcap)
OUT <- sapply(OUT, FUN = function(X) paste(X, collapse = ""))
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