#' @title plotCumulativeTimeProfile
#' @description
#' Producing Cumulative Time Profile plots
#' @inheritParams addScatter
#' @param colorPalette Optional character values defining a `ggplot2` colorPalette (e.g. `"Set1"` or `"Spectral"`)
#' @param dataMapping
#' A `CumulativeTimeProfileDataMapping` object mapping `x` and aesthetic groups to their variable names of `data`.
#' @param plotConfiguration
#' An optional `CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration` object defining labels, grid, background and watermark.
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @family molecule plots
#' @examples
#' # Define data to be plotted as cumulative time profile
#' time <- seq(1, 10)
#' data <- data.frame(
#' x = rep(time),
#' y = c(exp(-time / 10), 1 - exp(-time / 10)),
#' legend = rep(c("decreasing area", "increasing area"), each = 10)
#' )
#' # Produce a Cumulative Time Profile plot
#' plotCumulativeTimeProfile(
#' data = data,
#' dataMapping = CumulativeTimeProfileDataMapping$new(x = "x", y = "y", fill = "legend")
#' )
#' # Produce a Cumulative Time Profile plot with a ggplot2 color palette
#' plotCumulativeTimeProfile(
#' data = data,
#' dataMapping = CumulativeTimeProfileDataMapping$new(
#' x = "x",
#' y = "y",
#' fill = "legend"
#' ),
#' colorPalette = "Set1"
#' )
plotCumulativeTimeProfile <- function(data = NULL,
metaData = NULL,
dataMapping = NULL,
colorPalette = NULL,
plotConfiguration = NULL,
plotObject = NULL) {
#----- Validation and formatting of input arguments -----
validateIsOfType(data, "data.frame")
dataMapping <- .setDataMapping(dataMapping, CumulativeTimeProfileDataMapping, data)
plotConfiguration <- .setPlotConfiguration(
plotConfiguration, CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration,
data, metaData, dataMapping
# Update plotConfiguration if inputs provided by user
validateIsString(colorPalette, nullAllowed = TRUE)
plotConfiguration$colorPalette <- colorPalette %||% plotConfiguration$colorPalette
plotObject <- .setPlotObject(plotObject, plotConfiguration)
mapData <- dataMapping$checkMapData(data)
mapLabels <- .getAesStringMapping(dataMapping)
#----- Build layers of molecule plot -----
aestheticValues <- .getAestheticValuesFromConfiguration(
n = 1,
position = 0,
plotConfigurationProperty = plotObject$plotConfiguration$ribbons,
propertyNames = c("linetype", "size", "alpha")
plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::geom_area(
data = mapData,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
x = .data[[mapLabels$x]],
y = .data[[mapLabels$y]],
fill = .data[[mapLabels$fill]],
color = .data[[mapLabels$color]]
alpha = aestheticValues$alpha,
linewidth = aestheticValues$size,
linetype = aestheticValues$linetype,
# Cumulative componenent
position = ggplot2::position_stack(),
na.rm = TRUE
#----- Update properties using ggplot2::scale functions -----
plotObject <- .updateAesProperties(
plotConfigurationProperty = "ribbons",
propertyNames = c("fill", "color"),
data = mapData,
mapLabels = mapLabels
plotObject <- .applyColorPalette(
colorPalette = plotConfiguration$colorPalette
plotObject <- .updateAxes(plotObject)
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