#' @title PKRatioPlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for PK ratio plots
#' @field defaultYScale Default yAxis scale value when creating a `PKRatioPlotConfiguration` object
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
PKRatioPlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
defaultYScale = "log"
#' @title DDIRatioPlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for DDI ratio plots
#' @field defaultXScale Default xAxis scale value when creating a `DDIRatioPlotConfiguration` object
#' @field defaultYScale Default yAxis scale value when creating a `DDIRatioPlotConfiguration` object
#' @field defaultExpand Default expand value when creating a `DDIRatioPlotConfiguration` object
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
DDIRatioPlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
defaultXScale = "log",
defaultYScale = "log",
defaultExpand = TRUE
#' @title ObsVsPredPlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for Obs vs Pred plots
#' @field defaultSymmetricAxes Default option setting symmetric xAxis and/or yAxis limits when creating a `ObsVsPredPlotConfiguration` object
#' @field lloqDirection Whether to draw LLOQ lines for x (vertical), y (horizontal) or x and y (both).
#' @field foldLinesLegend Whether to draw fold lines in legend. default to FALSE.
#' @field foldLinesLegendDiagonal Whether to draw diagonal lines in legend for fold lines. default to FALSE.
#' @field foldLineslegendType translation of `foldLinesLegendDiagonal` in geom type.
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
ObsVsPredPlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
defaultSymmetricAxes = TRUE,
lloqDirection = NULL,
foldLinesLegend = NULL,
foldLinesLegendDiagonal = NULL,
#' @description Create a new `ObsVsPredPlotConfiguration` object
#' @param lloqDirection Whether to draw LLOQ lines for x (vertical), y (horizontal) or x and y (both).
#' @param foldLinesLegend Whether to draw fold lines in legend. default to FALSE.
#' @param foldLinesLegendDiagonal Whether to draw diagonal lines in legend for fold lines. default to FALSE.
#' @param ... parameters inherited from `PlotConfiguration`
#' @return A new `CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration` object
initialize = function(lloqDirection = "vertical",
foldLinesLegend = FALSE,
foldLinesLegendDiagonal = FALSE,
...) {
validateEnumValue(lloqDirection, Directions)
self$lloqDirection <- lloqDirection
self$foldLinesLegend <- foldLinesLegend
self$foldLinesLegendDiagonal <- foldLinesLegendDiagonal
active = list(
foldLineslegendType = function(foldLinesLegendDiagonal = self$foldLinesLegendDiagonal) {
if (foldLinesLegendDiagonal) {
} else {
#' @title ResVsPredPlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for Res vs Pred/Time plots
#' @field defaultSymmetricAxes Default option setting symmetric xAxis and/or yAxis limits when creating a `ResVsPredPlotConfiguration` object
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
ResVsPredPlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
defaultSymmetricAxes = TRUE
#' @title ResVsTimePlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for Res vs Pred/Time plots
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
ResVsTimePlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = ResVsPredPlotConfiguration
#' @title HistogramPlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for histograms
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
HistogramPlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration
#' @title QQPlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for Quantile-Quantile plots
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
QQPlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
#' @description Create a new `QQPlotConfiguration` object
#' @param xlabel QQ-plot default display is "Standard Normal Quantiles"
#' @param ... parameters inherited from `PlotConfiguration`
#' @return A new `QQPlotConfiguration` object
initialize = function(xlabel = "Standard Normal Quantiles",
...) {
super$initialize(xlabel = xlabel, ...)
#' @title CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for cumulative time profile plots
#' @field defaultExpand Default expand value when creating a `CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration` object
#' @field colorPalette color palette property from `ggplot2`
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
defaultExpand = TRUE,
colorPalette = NULL,
#' @description Create a new `CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration` object
#' @param colorPalette color palette property from `ggplot2`
#' @param ... parameters inherited from `PlotConfiguration`
#' @return A new `CumulativeTimeProfilePlotConfiguration` object
initialize = function(colorPalette = NULL, ...) {
validateIsString(colorPalette, nullAllowed = TRUE)
self$colorPalette <- colorPalette
#' @title PieChartPlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for pie charts
#' @field colorPalette color palette property from `ggplot2`
#' @field chartFont `Font` object defining properties of text within pie chart
#' @field start Offset of starting point from 12 o'clock in radians.
#' Offset is applied clockwise or anticlockwise depending on value of direction
#' @field clockwiseDirection logical defining if values are displayed in clockwise order
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
PieChartPlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
colorPalette = NULL,
chartFont = NULL,
start = NULL,
clockwiseDirection = NULL,
#' @description Create a new `PieChartPlotConfiguration` object
#' @param colorPalette color palette property from `ggplot2`
#' @param chartFont `Font` object defining properties of text within pie chart
#' @param start Offset of starting point from 12 o'clock in radians.
#' Offset is applied clockwise or anticlockwise depending on value of direction
#' @param clockwiseDirection logical defining if values are displayed in clockwise order
#' @param ... parameters inherited from `PlotConfiguration`
#' @return A new `PieChartPlotConfiguration` object
initialize = function(colorPalette = NULL,
chartFont = NULL,
start = 0,
clockwiseDirection = TRUE,
...) {
validateIsString(colorPalette, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsOfType(chartFont, "Font", nullAllowed = TRUE)
self$colorPalette <- colorPalette
self$chartFont <- chartFont %||% Font$new()
self$start <- start
self$clockwiseDirection <- clockwiseDirection
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