#' @title setGrid
#' @description Set x and y grid properties of a `ggplot` object
#' @param plotObject A `ggplot` object
#' @param color Optional character values defining the color of the grid.
#' See `grDevices::colors()` to get names of colors
#' @param linetype Optional character values defining the linetype of the grid.
#' See enum `Linetypes` to get names of linetype.
#' @param size Optional numeric values defining the size of the grid.
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set grid of a scatter plot
#' p <- addScatter(x = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), y = c(5, 0, 2, 3, 4))
#' setGrid(p, color = "red", linetype = "dotted")
setGrid <- function(plotObject,
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
size = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsIncluded(linetype, Linetypes, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Clone plotConfiguration into a new plot object
# Prevents update of R6 class being spread to plotObject
newPlotObject <- plotObject
newPlotObject$plotConfiguration <- plotObject$plotConfiguration$clone(deep = TRUE)
# R6 class not cloned will spread modifications into newPlotObject$plotConfiguration
background <- newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$xGrid", c("color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$yGrid", c("color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
newPlotObject <- background$updatePlot(newPlotObject)
#' @title setXGrid
#' @description Set x grid properties of a `ggplot` object
#' @inheritParams setGrid
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set x grid of a scatter plot
#' p <- addScatter(x = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), y = c(5, 0, 2, 3, 4))
#' setXGrid(p, color = "red", linetype = "dotted")
setXGrid <- function(plotObject,
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
size = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsIncluded(linetype, Linetypes, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Clone plotConfiguration into a new plot object
# Prevents update of R6 class being spread to plotObject
newPlotObject <- plotObject
newPlotObject$plotConfiguration <- plotObject$plotConfiguration$clone(deep = TRUE)
# R6 class not cloned will spread modifications into newPlotObject$plotConfiguration
background <- newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$xGrid", c("color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
newPlotObject <- background$updatePlot(newPlotObject)
#' @title setYGrid
#' @description Set y grid properties of a `ggplot` object
#' @inheritParams setGrid
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set y grid of a scatter
#' p <- addScatter(x = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), y = c(5, 0, 2, 3, 4))
#' setYGrid(p, color = "red", linetype = "dotted")
setYGrid <- function(plotObject,
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
size = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsIncluded(linetype, Linetypes, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Clone plotConfiguration into a new plot object
# Prevents update of R6 class being spread to plotObject
newPlotObject <- plotObject
newPlotObject$plotConfiguration <- plotObject$plotConfiguration$clone(deep = TRUE)
# R6 class not cloned will spread modifications into newPlotObject$plotConfiguration
background <- newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$yGrid", c("color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
newPlotObject <- background$updatePlot(newPlotObject)
#' @title setBackground
#' @description Set background properties of a `ggplot` object
#' @param plotObject A `ggplot` object
#' @param fill Optional character values defining the color of the background.
#' See `grDevices::colors()` to get names of colors
#' @param color Optional character values defining the color of the background frame.
#' See `grDevices::colors()` to get names of colors
#' @param linetype Optional character values defining the linetype of the background frame.
#' See enum `Linetypes` to get names of linetype.
#' @param size Optional numeric values defining the size of the background frame.
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set background of a scatter plot
#' p <- addScatter(x = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), y = c(5, 0, 2, 3, 4))
#' setBackground(p, fill = "yellowgreen", color = "red", linetype = "dotted")
setBackground <- function(plotObject,
fill = NULL,
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
size = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsString(fill, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsIncluded(linetype, Linetypes, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Clone plotConfiguration into a new plot object
# Prevents update of R6 class being spread to plotObject
newPlotObject <- plotObject
newPlotObject$plotConfiguration <- plotObject$plotConfiguration$clone(deep = TRUE)
# R6 class not cloned will spread modifications into newPlotObject$plotConfiguration
background <- newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$plot", c("fill", "color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$panel", c("fill", "color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
newPlotObject <- background$updatePlot(newPlotObject)
#' @title setBackgroundPanelArea
#' @description Set background panel area properties of a `ggplot` object
#' @inheritParams setBackground
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set background of a scatter plot
#' p <- addScatter(x = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), y = c(5, 0, 2, 3, 4))
#' setBackgroundPanelArea(p, fill = "yellowgreen", color = "red", linetype = "dotted")
setBackgroundPanelArea <- function(plotObject,
fill = NULL,
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
size = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsString(fill, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsIncluded(linetype, Linetypes, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Clone plotConfiguration into a new plot object
# Prevents update of R6 class being spread to plotObject
newPlotObject <- plotObject
newPlotObject$plotConfiguration <- plotObject$plotConfiguration$clone(deep = TRUE)
# R6 class not cloned will spread modifications into newPlotObject$plotConfiguration
background <- newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$panel", c("fill", "color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
newPlotObject <- background$updatePlot(newPlotObject)
#' @title setBackgroundPlotArea
#' @description Set background plot area properties of a `ggplot` object
#' @inheritParams setBackground
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set background of a scatter plot
#' p <- addScatter(x = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3), y = c(5, 0, 2, 3, 4))
#' setBackgroundPlotArea(p, fill = "yellowgreen", color = "red", linetype = "dotted")
setBackgroundPlotArea <- function(plotObject,
fill = NULL,
color = NULL,
linetype = NULL,
size = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsString(fill, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsIncluded(linetype, Linetypes, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Clone plotConfiguration into a new plot object
# Prevents update of R6 class being spread to plotObject
newPlotObject <- plotObject
newPlotObject$plotConfiguration <- plotObject$plotConfiguration$clone(deep = TRUE)
# R6 class not cloned will spread modifications into newPlotObject$plotConfiguration
background <- newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background
eval(.parseVariableToObject("background$plot", c("fill", "color", "linetype", "size"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
newPlotObject <- background$updatePlot(newPlotObject)
#' @title addWatermark
#' @description
#' Creates a `ggplot` grob based on the label text and its font properties.
#' Then, adds the grob to the `ggplot` object as a new layer using `ggplot2::annotation_custom`.
#' @param plotObject A `ggplot` object
#' @param watermark A character value or a `Label` object
#' @param color Color of the watermark.
#' @param size Size of the watermark.
#' @param angle Angle of the watermark (in degree).
#' @param alpha Numeric value between 0 and 1 corresponding to transparency of the watermark
#' The closer to 0, the more transparent the watermark is.
#' The closer to 1, the more opaque the watermark is.
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Add a watermark to an empty plot
#' p <- ggplot2::ggplot()
#' addWatermark(p, "watermark")
#' # Watermark with font properties
#' watermarkLabel <- Label$new(text = "watermark", color = "blue")
#' addWatermark(p, watermarkLabel)
#' # Horizontal watermark
#' addWatermark(p, watermarkLabel, angle = 0)
#' # Watermark totally opaque
#' addWatermark(p, watermarkLabel, alpha = 1)
#' # As multiple layers of watermark:
#' p2 <- addWatermark(p, watermarkLabel, alpha = 1)
#' addWatermark(p2, "other watermark", color = "red", angle = 90)
addWatermark <- function(plotObject,
color = NULL,
size = NULL,
angle = NULL,
alpha = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsOfType(watermark, c("character", "Label"))
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(alpha, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(angle, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Transparency from theme aesthetic map if left undefined
alpha <- alpha %||% .getAestheticValues(
n = 1,
selectionKey = AestheticSelectionKeys$first,
aesthetic = "alpha"
# Ensure watermark is a Label class
if (isOfType(watermark, "character")) {
watermark <- asLabel(watermark, font = tlfEnv$currentTheme$fonts$watermark)
eval(.parseVariableToObject("watermark$font", c("color", "size", "angle"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
watermark <- createWatermarkGrob(label = watermark, alpha = alpha)
plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::annotation_custom(grob = watermark, xmin = -Inf, ymin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymax = Inf)
#' @title setWatermark
#' @description
#' Set the watermark of a `ggplot` object.
#' Unlike `addWatermark`, the watermark layer is overridden by `setWatermark`.
#' @inheritParams addWatermark
#' @return A `ggplot` object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Add a watermark to an empty plot
#' p <- initializePlot()
#' setWatermark(p, "watermark")
#' # Watermark with font properties
#' watermarkLabel <- Label$new(text = "watermark", color = "blue")
#' setWatermark(p, watermarkLabel)
#' # Horizontal watermark
#' setWatermark(p, watermarkLabel, angle = 0)
#' # Watermark totally opaque
#' setWatermark(p, watermarkLabel, alpha = 1)
setWatermark <- function(plotObject,
watermark = NULL,
color = NULL,
size = NULL,
angle = NULL,
alpha = NULL) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
validateIsOfType(watermark, c("character", "Label"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsString(color, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(size, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(alpha, nullAllowed = TRUE)
validateIsNumeric(angle, nullAllowed = TRUE)
alpha <- alpha %||% .getAestheticValues(
n = 1,
selectionKey = AestheticSelectionKeys$first,
aesthetic = "alpha"
# Clone plotConfiguration into a new plot object
# Prevents update of R6 class being spread to plotObject
newPlotObject <- plotObject
newPlotObject$plotConfiguration <- plotObject$plotConfiguration$clone(deep = TRUE)
# R6 class not cloned will spread modifications into newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background$watermark
watermarkConfiguration <- newPlotObject$plotConfiguration$background$watermark
if (isOfType(watermark, "character")) {
watermark <- asLabel(text = watermark, font = watermarkConfiguration$font)
watermarkConfiguration <- watermark %||% watermarkConfiguration
eval(.parseVariableToObject("watermarkConfiguration$font", c("color", "size", "angle"), keepIfNull = TRUE))
# If plot is initialized, addWatermark otherwise update watermark
if (isOfLength(plotObject$layers, 0)) {
newPlotObject <- addWatermark(newPlotObject,
watermark = watermarkConfiguration,
alpha = alpha
# Using initializePlot, watermark will always be as first layer
dummyPlot <- addWatermark(ggplot2::ggplot(),
watermark = watermarkConfiguration,
alpha = alpha
newPlotObject$layers[[1]] <- dummyPlot$layer[[1]]
#' @title createWatermarkGrob
#' @description
#' Creates a `ggplot` grob based on the label text and its font properties.
#' @param label A character value or `Label` object
#' @param alpha Numeric value between 0 and 1 corresponding to transparency of the watermark
#' The closer to 0, the more transparent the watermark is.
#' The closer to 1, the more opaque the watermark is.
#' @return A `ggplot` grob
#' @export
createWatermarkGrob <- function(label, alpha = NULL) {
validateIsNumeric(alpha, nullAllowed = TRUE)
# Ensure label is a Label class
label <- asLabel(label)
alpha <- alpha %||% .getAestheticValues(
n = 1,
selectionKey = AestheticSelectionKeys$first,
aesthetic = "alpha"
# Font size is in .pt within annonate and requires a conversion
watermark <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::theme_void() +
geom = "text",
x = 0,
y = 0,
label = label$text %||% "",
color = label$font$color,
fontface = label$font$fontFace,
size = label$font$size / ggplot2::.pt,
angle = label$font$angle, alpha = alpha
watermark <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(watermark)
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