A <- data.frame(
col1 = c(1, 2, 3),
col2 = c(4, 5, 6),
col3 = c(7, 8, 9)
B <- data.frame(
col1 = c(1, 2, 3),
col2 = c(4, 5, 6),
col3 = c(7, 8, 9),
col4 = c(7, 8, 9)
test_that("Checks of type 'is' work properly", {
# Output is logical
expect_type(isSameLength(A, A), "logical")
expect_type(isOfLength(A, 3), "logical")
expect_type(isOfType(A, "data.frame"), "logical")
expect_type(isIncluded("col3", names(A)), "logical")
# Output is TRUE
expect_true(isSameLength(A, A))
expect_true(isOfLength(A, 3))
expect_true(isOfType(A, "data.frame"))
expect_true(isIncluded("col3", names(A)))
# Output is FALSE
expect_false(isSameLength(A, B))
expect_false(isOfLength(A, 5))
expect_false(isOfType(A, "character"))
expect_false(isIncluded("col4", names(A)))
test_that("Checks method of type 'validate' work properly", {
# NULL when checks succeed
expect_null(validateIsSameLength(A, A))
expect_null(validateIsOfLength(A, 3))
expect_null(validateIsOfType(A, "data.frame"))
expect_null(validateIsIncluded("col3", names(A)))
errorMessageIsSameLength <- "Arguments 'A, B' must have the same length, but they don't!"
errorMessageIsOfLength <- "Object should be of length '5', but is of length '3' instead."
errorMessageIsOfType <- "argument 'A' is of type 'data.frame', but expected 'character'!"
errorMessageIsIncluded <- "Values 'col4' are not in included in parent values: 'col1, col2, col3'."
# Error when checks fail
expect_error(validateIsSameLength(A, B), errorMessageIsSameLength)
expect_error(validateIsOfLength(A, 5), errorMessageIsOfLength)
expect_error(validateIsOfType(A, "character"), errorMessageIsOfType)
expect_error(validateIsIncluded("col4", names(A)), errorMessageIsIncluded)
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