test_that("asLabel gives always a Label class object", {
x <- asLabel("a")
expect_s3_class(x, "Label")
expect_s3_class(asLabel(x), "Label")
test_that("Font default works", {
defaultFont <- Font$new()
expect_s3_class(defaultFont, "Font")
expect_type(defaultFont$size, "double")
expect_type(defaultFont$angle, "double")
expect_type(defaultFont$color, "character")
expect_type(defaultFont$fontFace, "character")
expect_type(defaultFont$fontFamily, "character")
test_that("Label default works", {
defaultLabel <- Label$new()
expect_s3_class(defaultLabel, "Label")
expect_type(defaultLabel$text, "character")
expect_s3_class(defaultLabel$font, "Font")
test_that("Label gives error when initialized with wrong arguments", {
expect_error(Label$new(font = ""))
expect_error(Font$new(color = 3))
expect_error(Font$new(size = "3"))
test_that("Empty label is translated as element_blank from ggplot2", {
emptyLabel <- Label$new(text = NULL)
test_that("Non-empty label is translated as element_text and element_textbox", {
nonEmptyLabel <- Label$new(text = "text")
test_that("Long texts are properly handled in labels", {
"very long labels",
fig = initializePlot(plotConfiguration = PlotConfiguration$new(
title = paste("Title: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long title"),
subtitle = paste("Subtitle: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long subtitle"),
xlabel = paste("xlabel: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long x label"),
ylabel = paste("ylabel: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long y label"),
caption = paste("Caption: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long caption")
"very long flipped labels",
fig = initializePlot(plotConfiguration = PlotConfiguration$new(
title = paste("Title: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long title"),
subtitle = paste("Subtitle: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long subtitle"),
xlabel = Label$new(text = paste("ylabel: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long x label"), angle = 90),
ylabel = Label$new(text = paste("ylabel: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long y label"), angle = 0),
caption = paste("Caption: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long caption"),
watermark = Label$new(text = "watermark", angle = 45)
initializePlot(plotConfiguration = PlotConfiguration$new(
title = paste("Title: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long title"),
subtitle = paste("Subtitle: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long subtitle"),
xlabel = Label$new(text = paste("ylabel: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long x label"), angle = 75),
ylabel = Label$new(text = paste("ylabel: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long y label"), angle = 30),
caption = paste("Caption: This is a", paste(rep("very", 40), collapse = " "), "long caption"),
watermark = Label$new(text = "watermark", angle = 45)
test_that("Tags that are not supported by ggtext are removed", {
plotConfiguration = PlotConfiguration$new(
title = "this title should work even though it has `backticks`"
test_that("Markdown syntax is not supported because Label and Font overwrite its with the FontFace argument", {
# This test should break when the issue is fixed.
"Plot with Markdown",
fig = initializePlot(
plotConfiguration = PlotConfiguration$new(
title = "**This title should be bold**",
subtitle = "*This subtitle should be italic*",
caption = "This caption has style<br>
<span style = 'font-size:10pt;'>because it uses <span style = 'color:#0072B2;'><b>HTML</b></span> instead of
<span style = 'color:#D55E00;'><i>Markdown syntax</i></span></span>"
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.