famuss: A dataset to examine the relationship between muscle strength...

famussR Documentation

A dataset to examine the relationship between muscle strength and the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) actn3.r577x.


This dataset is a subset of the larger data set from the Functional SNPs Associated with Muscle Size and Strength (FAMuSS) by Thompson et.al. It contains demographic, response and coding for the SNP for the study participants. Unlike the data in the previous version of the oibiostat data package, this dataset retains the missing values. The data are also discussed in the Foulkes text. Strength was measured in both dominant and non-dominant arms before and after resistance training. The particular gene of interest was ACTN3, the "sports gene."




A tibble with 1397 rows and 10 variables


A numeric vector, the percent change in strength in a non-dominant arm, from before training and after.


A numeric vector, percent change in strength in dominant arm.


A factor with levels Female and Male


A numeric vector, age in years.


A factor with levels African Am Asian Caucasian Hispanic Other


A numeric vector, height in inches.


A numeric vector, weight in pounds.


A factor with levels CC CT TT, that shows the genotype at residue rs540874 (location r577x) within the ACTN3 SNP.


A numeric vector, body mass index


Personal communication from A. Foulkes


Thompson PMoyna NSeip R et al. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, (2004), 1132-1139, 36(7). Clarkson P, et al., Journal of Applied Physiology 99: 154-163, 2005.Pescatello L, et al. Highlights from the functional single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with human muscle size and strength or FAMuSS study, BioMed Research International 2013. Foulkes, Andrea S. Applied Statistical Genetics using R for Population Association Studies. Springer, 2009).

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