
Defines functions cut_with_nas

Documented in cut_with_nas

#' @name cut_with_nas
#' @export
#' @title Convert numeric to factor, with an explicit level for `NA`s
#' @description Like [base::cut()], but creates a level representing the missing values.
#' @param x A `numeric` or `integer` vector to cut into factor levels.  Required.
#' @param .missing The name of the level representing the `NA` values within `x`.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to [base::cut()].
#' @return A `factor`.
#' @note Discussed in the Stack Overflow question,
#' ["cut() a variable with missing values"](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50882620/cut-a-variable-with-missing-values)
#' @author Will Beasley
#' @examples
#' w      <- c(0L, NA_integer_, 22:25, NA_integer_, 40)
#' breaks <- c(0, 25, 50)
#' labels <- c("lower", "upper")
#' cut_with_nas(w, breaks=2)
#' cut_with_nas(w, breaks=breaks, labels=labels)
#' cut_with_nas(w, breaks=breaks               )
#' cut_with_nas(w, breaks=breaks               , include.lowest=TRUE)
#' cut_with_nas(w, breaks=breaks               , include.lowest=TRUE, right=FALSE)
#' cut_with_nas(w, breaks=breaks                                    , right=FALSE)

cut_with_nas   <- function(
  .missing = "Unknown",
) {
  checkmate::assert_numeric(x, any.missing = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_character(.missing, len = 1L)

  y <- cut(x, ...)
  y <- addNA(y)
  levels(y)[is.na(levels(y))] <- .missing
OuhscBbmc/OuhscMunge documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 1:46 p.m.