
#' @title Medicare Stage Table Creation
#' @description Code for creating stage enrollment tables for Medicare FFS data
#' @details Creates stg tables for medicare enrollment, names, and ssns from
#' other tables as part of the Medicare extraction process.

# ---- Load packages ----
pacman::p_load(DBI, dplyr, ggplot2, glue, lubridate, odbc, stringr)

# ---- STEP 1: ----
# Code to create state_mcare_bene_enrollment table from MBSF tables
# Columns selected based on review of Danny's original 2019 scripts used to
# create elig_timevar and elig_demo tables
# Reference:

db_hhsaw <- create_db_connection("hhsaw", interactive = F, prod = T)

bene_enrollment_sql <- glue::glue_sql(
  "drop table if exists claims.stage_mcare_bene_enrollment
  ,cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as bene_id
  into claims.stage_mcare_bene_enrollment
  from [claims].[stage_mcare_mbsf_abcd_summary]
-- Union to 2014 data
-- Join Part ABC and Part D data for 2014
-- QA below confirms left join is appropriate because no one has Part D but not Part AB
-- Union command will drop any duplicate rows within years
  ,cast(trim(a.bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as bene_id
  from [claims].[stage_mcare_mbsf_ab_summary] as a
  left join [claims].[stage_mcare_mbsf_d_cmpnts] as b 
  on a.bene_id = b.bene_id",
.con = db_hhsaw)
odbc::dbSendQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_enrollment_sql)

# Confirm that no one has Part D coverage but not Part AB coverage in 2014
# Confirm no bene_id in mbsf_d table that doesn't exist in mbsf_ab table
# PASS condition: Expect 0
bene_check_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
  select count(a.bene_id) as row_count
  from [claims].[stage_mcare_mbsf_d_cmpnts] as a
  left join [claims].[stage_mcare_mbsf_ab_summary] as b
  on a.bene_id = b.bene_id
  where b.bene_id is null",
.con = db_hhsaw)
odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_check_sql)

# ---- STEP 2: ----
# Code to create NAMES and SSN tables for person linkage
# Note that HIC (alternate unique ID table is not used for linkage and thus
# not loaded here)

bene_names_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
  drop table if exists claims.stage_mcare_bene_names;
  select distinct
  cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as bene_id,
  into claims.stage_mcare_bene_names
  from [claims].[stage_mcare_edb_user_view]",
.con = db_hhsaw)
odbc::dbSendQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_names_sql)

bene_ssn_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
  drop table if exists claims.stage_mcare_bene_ssn;
  select distinct
  cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as bene_id,
  into claims.stage_mcare_bene_ssn
  from [claims].[stage_mcare_bene_ssn_xwalk]",
.con = db_hhsaw)
odbc::dbSendQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_ssn_sql)

# ---- QA Step 2: ----
# Ensure case-sensitivity is set for bene_id variable (expect CS trimmed varchar count > CI trimmed varchar)
bene_names_casetest_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
with temp1 as (select distinct
cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as bene_id_cs,
cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as bene_id_ci,
lower(trim(bene_id)) as bene_id_lowercase
from claims.stage_mcare_bene_names

select 'case-sensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct bene_id_cs) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
union select 'case-insensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct bene_id_ci) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
union select 'lowercase trimmed varchar' as column_type,count(distinct bene_id_lowercase) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
order by bene_id_dcount desc;",
.con = db_hhsaw)
bene_names_casetest <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_names_casetest_sql)

bene_ssn_casetest_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
with temp1 as (select distinct
cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as bene_id_cs,
cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as bene_id_ci,
lower(trim(bene_id)) as bene_id_lowercase
from claims.stage_mcare_bene_ssn

select 'case-sensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct bene_id_cs) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
union select 'case-insensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct bene_id_ci) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
union select 'lowercase trimmed varchar' as column_type,count(distinct bene_id_lowercase) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
order by bene_id_dcount desc;",
.con = db_hhsaw)
bene_ssn_casetest <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_ssn_casetest_sql)

# Ensure there are very few bene_id values in the [claims].[stage_mcare_bene_enrollment]
# table that do not match to the [claims].[stage_mcare_bene_names] or [claims].[stage_mcare_bene_ssn] tables
bene_id_test_names_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
SELECT  a.bene_id
FROM claims.stage_mcare_bene_enrollment a
LEFT JOIN claims.stage_mcare_bene_names b
  ON a.bene_id = b.bene_id
WHERE b.bene_id IS NULL   
.con = db_hhsaw)
bene_id_test_names <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_id_test_names_sql)

bene_id_test_ssn_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
SELECT  a.bene_id
FROM claims.stage_mcare_bene_enrollment a
LEFT JOIN claims.stage_mcare_bene_ssn b
  ON a.bene_id = b.bene_id
WHERE b.bene_id IS NULL                                         
.con = db_hhsaw)
bene_id_test_ssn <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_id_test_ssn_sql)

bene_id_test_both_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
SELECT a.bene_id
FROM claims.stage_mcare_bene_enrollment a
    SELECT DISTINCT bene_id FROM claims.stage_mcare_bene_names
	SELECT DISTINCT bene_id FROM claims.stage_mcare_bene_ssn
	) b ON a.bene_id = b.bene_id
	WHERE b.bene_id IS NULL                                   
.con = db_hhsaw)
bene_id_test_both <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_id_test_both_sql)

# Ensure that the date of birth variable in the [claims].[stage_mcare_bene_enrollment] 
# is no longer garbled for 2020 and 2021 data (this could just be a one-time check,
# although it would be prudent for us to have QA here that aims to find issues
# with any date variables. For example, you would never want to see that dates 
# of birth are mostly clustered in a given year/month for a given enrollment_year,
# as this would indicate that something went wrong with how these dates were formatted/parsed along the way.
date_check_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
SELECT bene_enrollmt_ref_yr, bene_id, bene_birth_dt, bene_death_dt
FROM claims.stage_mcare_bene_enrollment
.con = db_hhsaw)
date_check <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, date_check_sql)

# Assert dates are length 10
invalid_date_length <- date_check[str_count(date_check$bene_birth_dt) != 10,]

# convert birth dates that are length 10 to lubridates
date_distribution <- date_check[str_count(date_check$bene_birth_dt) == 10,]
date_distribution$bene_birth_dt <- as_date(date_distribution$bene_birth_dt)

# Check min and max years

# bar chart of birthdays by year
ggplot(date_distribution, aes(x=bene_birth_dt))+ 
  geom_histogram(binwidth=30, colour="purple") +
  scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y")) +
  ylab("Frequency") + xlab("Year") +

# Facet year-month histogram
date_distribution <- date_distribution %>%
  # Get the year value to use it for the facetted plot
  mutate(year = year(bene_birth_dt),
         # Get the month-day dates and set all dates with a dummy year (2021 in this case)
         # This will get all your dates in a common x axis scale
         month_day = as_date(paste(3000,month(bene_birth_dt),day(bene_birth_dt), sep = "-")))
ggplot(date_distribution, aes(x = month_day)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  labs(x = "Month", 
       y = "Count", 
       title = "Birthdays per Month") +
  scale_x_date(labels = scales::date_format("%b"), 
               breaks = "1 month") +
  facet_wrap(~year) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,
                                   vjust = 0.5,
                                   hjust = 1))
# Zoom in to main years of interest
ggplot(date_distribution[(date_distribution$year > 1924) & (date_distribution$year < 1970),], aes(x = month_day)) +
  geom_histogram() +
  labs(x = "Month", 
       y = "Count", 
       title = "Birthdays per Month") +
  scale_x_date(labels = scales::date_format("%b"), 
               breaks = "1 month") +
  facet_wrap(~year) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90,
                                   vjust = 0.5,
                                   hjust = 1))

# ---- STEP 3: Header-level medical claim concepts ----
# Code to create stage_mcare_claim_header_prep table
# Columns selected based on concepts/columns needed to create analytic-ready claim tables
# Reference:
# Exclude denied claims per ResDAC guidance
# Exclude claims among people with no enrollment data
# Trim white space for id_mcare, claim_header_id

db_hhsaw <- create_db_connection("hhsaw", interactive = F, prod = T)

claim_header_prep_sql <- glue::glue_sql(
  "drop table if exists claims.stage_mcare_claim_header_prep;
  .con = db_hhsaw)
odbc::dbSendQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, claim_header_prep_sql)

# ---- Extra: ----
# Demonstrate need for case sensitivity
tables_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
--View collations settings of tables used in this demonstration
--Collation name must be set as SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS for case sensitivity to be respected
SELECT,, c.collation_name
JOIN SYS.TABLES t ON t.object_id = c.object_id
WHERE in ('stage_mcare_edb_user_view', 'stage_mcare_bcarrier_claims')
and in ('bene_id', 'clm_id')
order by desc,;",
.con = db_hhsaw)
test1 <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, tables_sql)

bene_ssn_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
--Demonstrate case-sensitive nature of bene_id variable
with temp1 as (select distinct
cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as bene_id_cs,
cast(trim(bene_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as bene_id_ci,
lower(trim(bene_id)) as bene_id_lowercase
from claims.stage_mcare_edb_user_view

select 'case-sensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct bene_id_cs) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
union select 'case-insensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct bene_id_ci) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
union select 'lowercase trimmed varchar' as column_type,count(distinct bene_id_lowercase) as bene_id_dcount from temp1
order by bene_id_dcount desc;",
.con = db_hhsaw)
test2 <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, bene_ssn_sql)

clm_id_sql <- glue::glue_sql("
--Demonstrate case-sensitive nature of clm_id variable
with temp2 as (select distinct
cast(trim(clm_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS as clm_id_cs,
cast(trim(clm_id) as varchar(255)) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as clm_id_ci,
lower(trim(clm_id)) as clm_id_lowercase
from claims.stage_mcare_bcarrier_claims

select 'case-sensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct clm_id_cs) as clm_id_dcount from temp2
union select 'case-insensitive trimmed varchar' as column_type, count(distinct clm_id_ci) as clm_id_dcount from temp2
union select 'lowercase trimmed varchar' as column_type,count(distinct clm_id_lowercase) as clm_id_dcount from temp2
order by clm_id_dcount desc;",
.con = db_hhsaw)
test3 <- odbc::dbGetQuery(conn = db_hhsaw, clm_id_sql)
PHSKC-APDE/claims_data documentation built on May 2, 2024, 8:16 p.m.