
##Code to create ref.provider_nppes_apde_load
##Lookup table for provider NPIs and other information
##Eli Kern (PHSKC-APDE)


#1/3/2021 - added geo_hash_raw to ref.provider_nppes_apde_load

#### Set up global parameter and call in libraries ####
options(max.print = 350, tibble.print_max = 50, warning.length = 8170, scipen = 999)
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, odbc, RCurl, configr, glue, data.table)

##### Connect to SQL Servers #####
conn <- dbConnect(odbc(), "PHClaims51")

##### STEP 1: Subset columns, rows, and add new variables #####
#Subset national NPPES table to only providers with practice location in WA state
#Subset columns
#Create variables for primary and secondary taxonomy

# Remove table if it exists
tbl_name <- DBI::Id(schema = "ref", table = "provider_nppes_apde_load")
try(dbRemoveTable(conn, tbl_name), silent = T)

# Create new table, keep subset of columns, and create new variables as needed
dbSendQuery(conn = conn, 

--Step 1: Pull out and reshape provider taxonomy columns
if object_id('tempdb..#tax_long') is not null drop table #tax_long;
select distinct npi, taxonomy, taxonomy_number
into #tax_long
from (
	select cast(npi as bigint) as npi, healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_1 as [01],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_2 as [02],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_3 as [03],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_4 as [04],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_5 as [05],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_6 as [06],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_7 as [07],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_8 as [08],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_9 as [09],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_10 as [10],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_11 as [11],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_12 as [12],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_13 as [13],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_14 as [14],
		healthcare_provider_taxonomy_code_15 as [15]
	from phclaims.ref.provider_nppes_load
) as a
unpivot(taxonomy for taxonomy_number in ([01], [02], [03], [04], [05], [06], [07], [08], [09], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15])) as taxonomy;

--Step 2: Pull out and reshape provider taxonomy primary flag columns
if object_id('tempdb..#tax_primary_flag_long') is not null drop table #tax_primary_flag_long;
select distinct npi, primary_flag, taxonomy_number
into #tax_primary_flag_long
from (
	select cast(npi as bigint) as npi, healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_1 as [01],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_2 as [02],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_3 as [03],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_4 as [04],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_5 as [05],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_6 as [06],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_7 as [07],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_8 as [08],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_9 as [09],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_10 as [10],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_11 as [11],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_12 as [12],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_13 as [13],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_14 as [14],
		healthcare_provider_primary_taxonomy_switch_15 as [15]
	from phclaims.ref.provider_nppes_load
) as a
unpivot(primary_flag for taxonomy_number in ([01], [02], [03], [04], [05], [06], [07], [08], [09], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15])) as primary_flag;

--Step 3: Join taxonomy and primary flag columns into new table
if object_id('tempdb..#tax_long_joined') is not null drop table #tax_long_joined;
select a.npi, a.taxonomy, a.taxonomy_number, b.primary_flag
into #tax_long_joined
from #tax_long as a
left join #tax_primary_flag_long as b
on (a.npi = b.npi) and (a.taxonomy_number = b.taxonomy_number);

--Step 4: Collapse table to distinct taxonomy codes by NPI
if object_id('tempdb..#tax_distinct') is not null drop table #tax_distinct;
select npi, taxonomy, max(case when primary_flag = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) as primary_flag
into #tax_distinct
from #tax_long_joined
group by npi, taxonomy;

--Add a new taxonomy # column based on order of taxonomies A-Z (after primary taxonomy)
if object_id('tempdb..#tax_ranked') is not null drop table #tax_ranked;
select *, rank() over (partition by npi order by primary_flag desc, taxonomy) as taxonomy_number
into #tax_ranked
from #tax_distinct;

--Step 5: Create three taxonomy fields for each NPI
if object_id('tempdb..#tax_final') is not null drop table #tax_final
select a.npi, a.taxonomy as taxonomy_1, b.taxonomy as taxonomy_2, c.taxonomy as taxonomy_3, a.primary_flag as taxonomy_primary_flag
into #tax_final
from (select * from #tax_ranked where primary_flag = 1 or taxonomy_number = 1) as a
left join (select * from #tax_ranked where taxonomy_number = 2) as b
on a.npi = b.npi
left join (select * from #tax_ranked where taxonomy_number = 3) as c
on a.npi = c.npi;

--Step 5: Join taxonomy information to remainder of desired columns, create address hash, and insert into persistent table shell
select cast(a.npi as bigint) as npi,
	case when a.address_practice_state = 'WA' or a.address_practice_state = 'WASHINGTON' then 1 else 0 end as geo_wa,
	CONVERT(char(64), HASHBYTES('SHA2_256',
	  CAST(UPPER(CONCAT(a.address_practice_first, '|', a.address_practice_second, '|', a.address_practice_city, '|', a.address_practice_state, '|', 
	  left(a.address_practice_zip_code, 5))) AS VARCHAR(1275))),2) AS geo_hash_raw,
	cast(a.enumeration_date as date) as enumeration_date,
	cast(a.last_update as date) as last_update,
	case when a.entity_type_code is null and a.deactivation_date is not null then 1 else 0 end as deactivation_flag,
	cast(a.deactivation_date as date) as deactivation_date,
	getdate() as last_run

into PHClaims.ref.provider_nppes_apde_load
from PHClaims.ref.provider_nppes_load as a
left join #tax_final as b
on cast(a.npi as bigint) = b.npi;")

##### STEP 2: Write addresses to Informatica cleaning table #####

#bring WA providers address data into R
nppes_address <- dbGetQuery(conn = conn, 
"select distinct address_practice_first as geo_add1_raw,
  address_practice_second as geo_add2_raw,
  address_practice_city as geo_city_raw,
  address_practice_state as geo_state_raw,
  left(address_practice_zip_code,5) as geo_zip_raw,
  'nppes' as geo_source,
  getdate() as timestamp
  from phclaims.ref.provider_nppes_apde_load
  where geo_wa = 1;")

#change connection to analytic workspace
conn <- dbConnect(odbc(), "hhsaw_dev", uid = "") #will prompt for password in popup window

#insert addresses into hhsaw table
tbl_name <- DBI::Id(schema = "ref", table = "informatica_address_input")
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = tbl_name, value =, append = T)

##### STEP 3: Copy cleaned addresses from Informatica and upload to PHClaims database #####

#change connection to analytic workspace
conn <- dbConnect(odbc(), "hhsaw_dev", uid = "") #will prompt for password in popup window

Waf11fle#bring WA providers address data into R
nppes_address_clean <- dbGetQuery(conn = conn, 
"select *,
  getdate() as timestamp
  from hhs_analytics_workspace.ref.informatica_address_output
  where geo_source = 'nppes';")

#change connection back to PHClaims
conn <- dbConnect(odbc(), "PHClaims51")

#insert addresses into PHClaims table
tbl_name <- DBI::Id(schema = "ref", table = "provider_nppes_address_clean")
dbWriteTable(conn = conn, name = tbl_name, value =, replace = T)
PHSKC-APDE/claims_data documentation built on May 2, 2024, 8:16 p.m.