Man pages for PSC-CoTC/AnnualReport
Writes the Annual Report using a pre and post season FRAM DB.

BuildFisheryTableMake a table of fishery mortality
checkFramCommentColCheck if the FRAM database as the new Comments fields for...
combine_GS_fishery_mortalityCombines the GS MUs for the fishery.mortality DF (pre or post...
combine_GS_stock_summaryCombines the GS MUs for the stock.summary DF (pre or post...
CompilePscDataCompile a FRAM model run into PSC fishery and stock groupings
createImportFilesCreate Import Files
CreateTable1Generate the Table 1 of the PSC Annual report for the...
CreateTable2Generate the Table 2 of the PSC Annual report for the...
CreateTable3Create Table 3 within the Annual report based on PSC...
exportFisheryERsWrites .pdf document of the annual report
FisheryMortSqlFilenameConstants for dealing with a FRAM Database
FormatDoubleFormats a value to an double in text form with the specified...
formatHtmlRetreives HTML text, binds parameters to the text
FormatIntFormats a value to an integer in text form. This is typically...
FormatNameIdTextFormats parallel vectors of names and IDs a single text...
formatPkgTextFileGet the path to a file within an R package
formatSqlRetreives Sql Statement text from a file, binds parameters to...
FormatTruncTextSetFormats a vector of strings to a single text block. If more...
FramGetSingleRecruitScalarRecruit Scalar FRAM SQL scripts ————-
GetColumnSumsSum columns
getFramBackwardEscapementA helper function retrieving the escapement values used by...
getFramBaseFisheriesGet the dataframe of valid fisheries and time steps from the...
getFramBaseStocksGet the data frame of valid stocks from the base period of a...
getFramDataGeneric function that retrieves data from database using sql...
getFramFisheriesA helper function loading the list of FRAM fisheries in the...
getFramFisheryMortalityA helper function loading the total mortalities for all...
getFramFisheryScalarsGet the dataframe of fishery scalars used to parameterize...
getFramRunInfoRetrieve the details about a specific FRAM run, by run name
getFramRunTableRetrieve all FRAM runs in a specific data base and species
getFramStockRecruitScalarsGet the data frame of stock recruit scalars for particular...
getFramStocksA helper function loading the list of FRAM stocks
getFramTotalEscapementA helper function loading the stock specific escapement from...
getFramTotalFisheryMortalityA helper function loading the total mortalities for all...
getPersonFramFisheriesRetrieve a data frame with the relationships between CoTC...
getPersonFramStocksRetrieve a data frame with the relationships between CoTC...
getPreseasonERsWrites of preseaon FRAM data
GetPscEscapementSum up the escapement from a fram run to PSC Stocks
GetPscMortalitySum up the fishery mortalities from a fram run to PSC Stocks
GetPstStockCountryCapCalculate Country Specific PSC Stock ER Cap based on stock...
GetPstStockStatusCapIdentifies the stock status of PSC Stocks based on the...
GetTammDataReads the various values of the TAMM spreadsheet and packages...
GetTammEscapementReads the specific Escapement values from a TAMM model...
GetTammFisheryMortalityReads the specific Stock/Fishery mortality values from a TAMM...
GetTammValuesA helper function loading the total mortalities from the TAMM...
GetTimeStampTextProvides a standardized text based time stamp for inclusion...
importFramTemplatesImport an updated .csv postseason template into a FRAM...
kFramBackwardEscSqlFilenameBackward FRAM SQL scripts ————-
kFramGetSingleNonRetentionNon-Retention FRAM SQL scripts ————-
LoadConfigFilesLoads a R source file that is used for configuration
loadPscDataA function that loads the PSC stock and fishery reference...
LoadSourceFileLoads an R file. This function makes sure a given source...
pairEscapementFlagsMatches escapment flags for marked and unmarked stocks, to...
parseImportFileParses the import file format and returns the results into a...
postSeasonTable3SummaryCreates a .xlsx workbook of the "Table3" from the annual...
ReadCsvRead a CSV file from a predefined data directory Optionally,...
ReadMemoryCsvA helper function for reading CSV formated text from a R...
RunSqlFileA helper function that loads an SQL script, updates the...
SummaryRegionTotalsMake a table of fishery mortality
TitleCaseConvert text into title case Got this regex from:...
updateFisheryScalarsUpdate the fishery scalars and non retention values for an...
updateTargetEscapementUpdate the stock recruit scalars and the backward FRAM target...
ValidateRunInfoChecks run data retrieved from the FRAM database.
ValidateValueDomainA helper function for validating data within a pre-defined...
validEscapementFlagsValidates the escapement flags against the escapement values...
validFisheriesValidates the fishery definitions for parametrization of the...
validMarkInfoValidates the mark rate information for mark-selective...
validPostSeasonCatchValidates the catch data for parametrization of a FRAM...
validTargetEscapementValidates the target escapement definitions for...
writeAnnualReportWrites .pdf document of the annual report
WriteCsvA helper function for writing CSV files. This is a simple...
writeImportFileFunctions for writing .csv files for CoTC scientists to...
WriteMemoryCsvA helper function for writing CSV file format text into R...
WriteProtectedCsvA helper function for writing CSV files and setting them to...
WritePSCFramTableswrites .csv of PSC tables
PSC-CoTC/AnnualReport documentation built on March 26, 2022, 9:33 a.m.