Man pages for Paradigm4/SciDBR
An R Interface to SciDB

aflhelpDisplay SciDB AFL operator documentation
and.scidb.expressionbinary conjunction operator for predicates
and.scidb.predicatebinary conjunction operator for predicates
as.list.UploadDescTurn an UploadDesc into a named list. This function exists to...
as.RDownload SciDB data to R
as.scidbUpload R data to SciDB
at_leastReturns TRUE if version string x is greater than or equal to...
BinaryQueryUnpack and return a SciDB query expression as a data frame
BinaryQuery.httpapiExecute a query that outputs data in Apache Arrow format or...
check_curl_optionsCheck if curl options set by user are valid options from curl...
CloseClose the connection and session.
Close.httpqueryClose a query that was started with 'New.httpquery'. This is...
CONTAINStest if this pattern matches a substring
covCovariance matrix This function is more limited than R's...
dimnames.scidbNames of array dimensions
dot-Attrs.UploadDescGiven an UploadDesc, return the attributes as a list of the...
dot-attsplitterInternal function for processing SciDB attribute schema
dot-Binary2dfUnpack SciDB binary-encoded data into a data frame
dot-CloseSession.httpapiClose the session. This is registered as a finalizer on...
dot-CookiesToTsvGiven a dataframe of cookies from a curl handle (obtained by...
dot-create_curl_handle.shimCreate a Curl Handle to be Used in DB Queries
dot-Csv2dfParse CSV-formatted data into a data frame
dot-CurlAddAttachmentsAdd attachments to a curl handle using the...
dot-CurlSetHeadersSet the given headers, as well as default headers, on the...
dot-CurlSetOptionsSet default options on the given curl handle.
dot-CurlUseCookiesAdd cookies to the curl handle.
dot-Desc2SchemaGiven an UploadDesc, return it as a SciDB schema string
dot-df2scidb.shimInternal function to upload an R data frame to SciDB
dot-digest_auth.shimConvenience function for digest authentication.
dot-dimsplitterInternal function for processing SciDB dimension schema
dot-Dims.UploadDescGiven an UploadDesc, return the dimensions as a list of the...
dot-EndpointUriGiven a relative path to an endpoint within httpapi, return...
dot-formulate_curl_handle_and_opts.shimcreate the header and options for the to-be-made curl handle
dot-HandleHttpErrorHandle an HTTP response that returned an error code. In most...
dot-HttpRequestIssue an HTTP request. This function allows multiple threads...
dot-matrix2scidb.shimInternal function to upload an R sparse matrix into SciDB
dot-matvec2scidb.shimInternal function to upload an R vector, dense n-d array or...
dot-ParseLinkHeadersGiven a list of HTTP response headers parsed by...
dot-PreprocessArrayTypeGiven an R array, convert it into a suitable data type for...
dot-raw2scidb.shimInternal function to upload an R raw value to special...
dot-ReportTimingsGiven a list of actions and when they happened, e.g....
dot-SaveCookiesSave cookies from an HTTP response on a connection env...
dot-scidbevalAn important internal convenience function that returns a...
dot-TsvWriteFast write.table/textConnection substitute
dot-UploadDenseDimensioned.httpapiUpload a dense n-dimensional array or matrix to SciDB
dot-UploadDf.httpapiUpload an R dataframe to SciDB
dot-UploadRaw.httpapiUpload an R raw value to a special 1-element SciDB array
dot-UploadSparseMatrix.httpapiUpload an R sparse matrix into SciDB
dot-UploadVector.httpapiUpload an R vector to SciDB
dot-UploadWithQuery.httpapiCommon function called by all upload methods. Upload bytes or...
ENDS_WITHtest if this pattern matches the end of the string
EnsureSessionMake sure that we are connected to an active session in...
EQUALSequality binary predicate
ExecuteExecute an AFL command that is expected not to return any...
expression_parserCreate a scidb.expression by parsing an R expression
filterParse multiple R expressions into a list of boolean...
filter_to_aflParse multiple R expressions into a single AFL string
GEQgreater-than-or-equal-to binary predicate
getpwdSimple utility to interactively enter a password without...
GetServerVersionfile: generic_connection.R S3-style generic function layer...
grapes-as-grapesAFL array aliasing
grapes-as-grapes-scidb-methodAFL arrary aliasing
GTgreater-than binary predicate
HandshakeMake a "handshake" with the server to figure out which API to...
help-operator-methodAFL operator help
INset membership binary predicate
IN_RANGEinclusive range test
IN_RANGE_EXCLexclusive range test
IN_RANGE_INCLinclusive range test
iqueryRun a SciDB query, optionally returning the result.
IS_NULLnull test unary predicate
LEQless-than-or-equal-to binary predicate
LIKEtest if this pattern matches the entire string
ls-afl-methodList contents of a SciDB database
LTless-than binary predicate
make.schemaGiven lists of attributes and dimensions in the format...
merge_filtersMerge list of scidb.expression objects in conjunction
names.scidbSciDB dimension and attribute names
NEQinequality binary predicate
New.httpqueryStart a query running asynchronously in SciDB. Return an env...
NewSessionStart a new connection/session. When this function finishes:...
Next.httpqueryRetrieve the next page of a query that was started with...
NOT_INset anti-membership binary predicate
NOT_NULLnegation of IS_NULL
not.scidb.expressionunary negation operator for a predicate
not.scidb.predicateunary negation operator for a predicate
operatorsBase SciDB operators
or.scidb.expressionbinary disjunction operator for predicates
or.scidb.predicatebinary disjunction operator for predicates
print.aflPrint a summary of a 'afl' SciDB database connection object
print-afl-methodPrint a summary of a 'afl' SciDB database connection object
print-scidb-methodPrint a summary of a 'scidb' object
QueryRun a query. Uses same interface as the iquery() function.
ReauthenticateIf a session's authentication cookie times out, call this...
rsubSubstitute scalar-valued R expressions into an AFL expression...
schemaSciDB array schema
scidbCreate an R reference to a SciDB array or expression.
scidb_arrow_to_dataframe.shimReturn a SciDB query expression as a data frame
scidbconnectConnect to a SciDB database
scidb.expressionVirtual base expression class
scidb.expression.binaryBinary expression class
scidb.expression.symbolLeaf symbol expression class
scidb.expression.unaryUnary operation expression class
scidb.expression.valueLeaf value expression class
scidb-packageSciDB/R Interface
scidb.predicateAnonymous predicate class
scidb_predicate_expressionsscidb predicate expressions
scidb_prefixRegister an AFL prefix expression
scidbquery.shimBasic low-level query. Returns query id. This is an internal...
scidb_unpack_to_dataframeUnpack and return a SciDB query expression as a data frame
SGET.shimIssue an HTTP GET request.
show-afl-methodPrint a summary of a 'afl' object
show-scidb-methodPrint a summary of a 'scidb' object
STARTS_WITHtest if this pattern matches the start of the string
storeEvaluate an expression to 'scidb' or 'scidb' objects
TextQuery.httpapiExecute a query that outputs data in a text format. The data...
update.aflUpdate available AFL operators
UploadUpload R data and store() it into a SciDB array. Return a...
Upload.httpapiUpload R data and store() it into a SciDB array. Return a...
URIConstruct a URI/URL using the host, port and auth parameters...
URI.defaultConstruct a URI/URL using the host, port and auth parameters...
URI.shimConstruct a URI for connecting to the Shim. This override...
Paradigm4/SciDBR documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 4:58 a.m.