init_site: Initialise site infrastructure

Description Usage Arguments Build-ignored files Custom CSS/JS Favicon 404

View source: R/init.R


This creates the output directory (docs/), a machine readable description of the site, and copies CSS/JS assets and extra files.


init_site(pkg = ".")



Path to package.

Build-ignored files

We recommend using usethis::use_pkgdown() to build-ignore docs/ and _pkgdown.yml. If use another directory, or create the site manually, you'll need to add them to .Rbuildignore yourself. A NOTE about an unexpected file during R CMD CHECK is an indication you have not correctly ignored these files.

Custom CSS/JS

If you want to do minor customisation of your pkgdown site, the easiest way is to add pkgdown/extra.css and pkgdown/extra.js. These will be automatically copied to docs/ and inserted into the <HEAD> after the default pkgdown CSS and JS.


Favicons are built automatically from a logo PNG or SVG by init_site() and copied to pkgdown/favicon.


pkgdown creates a default 404 page (404.html). You can customize 404 page content using .github/

Paradigm4/pkgdown documentation built on June 3, 2020, 12:30 a.m.