
Constructing the network

The network can be constructed in different ways, depending on the definition of what consitutes a connection between facilities. In this framework, two facilities are connected if they have shared a same subject (i.e. a subject was admitted in both facilities), conditioning on some constraints. The different networks that can be constructed from a same database, differ in the constraints used (i.e. the parameters).

A connection will be recorded between two facilities for each of the pair of stays meeting the constraints. Thus, the core data structure of the network is a table, in which each row corresponds to a single connection: it is called the edgelist of the network, and it is said to be in long format. The edgelist can be aggregated, each row thus representing a unique pair of connected facilities, with an additional variable counting the number of individual connections between these facilities.

Two final parameters are needed to construct the network:

PascalCrepey/HospitalNetwork documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:41 a.m.