Man pages for PatrickDuffy34/rsoomo
Soomo Tools

combine_analyticsCombine multiple analytics reports.
compile_template_pointsCompile writing template reports
geom_bar_soomoDraw bar graphs with Soomo-green bars
keen_queryQuery Keen core-events-production
snhu_add_soomo_idAdd soomo_id to tidied SNHU data
snhu_join_dataJoin SNHU and Soomo data
snhu_tidy_assignmentsTidy raw assignment data from SNHU
theme_soomoA minimal Soomo ggplot2 theme based on Bob Rudis' theme_ipsum
write_template_pointsWrite a .csv file with template points summary
PatrickDuffy34/rsoomo documentation built on May 18, 2019, 10:14 a.m.